Google Street View
Fifty cool ad campaigns. Here.
What goes around comes around
Tibits, vegetarian restaurant
Old Timer restaurant
Get them off your dog
Papa John’s delivery
Found via Ashley Simko
Google Street View
Fifty cool ad campaigns. Here.
What goes around comes around
Tibits, vegetarian restaurant
Old Timer restaurant
Get them off your dog
Papa John’s delivery
Found via Ashley Simko
I really wish this technology existed. Would make blowing things up in Photoshop so friggin easy.
‘Can you clean that up?’
‘Not if there’s nothing there – it’s just a bunch of colored boxes. That’s all pixels are.’
Jack Bauer pulls out gun, kills dude at computer. Chloe solves problem.
24 returns tonight, btw.
There are some enhancement solutions, but not on the fictional scale that tee vee shows use.
Video found via
The results are in! Our winners are . . .
[1] suresh
comment Wow! Font giveaway! Thanks a lot!
[2] rrriles
comment Can’t pass up an opportunity for free fonts!
[3] reece butler
comment What a nice site you have here. I must say that it’s always nice to stumble upon a new hidden gem (even if it involved dangling a carrot like a free font to get me here). You can be sure I’ll be back.
[4] matt v
comment those are definitely some good posts! also, i am entering! i know there is almost a 1% chance i will win, which will diminish significantly as it draws closer to the 16th, but what the hell!
[5] amanda
comment January 16 is my birthday. ;)
Each have won a complete, licensed set of Jeanne Moderno fonts: All 9 OpenType fonts, $99 USD value. Emails have been sent out to the winners. Please contact me directly if my emails vanish into the spam filter ether.
Stay tuned, I have something planned for everyone who entered. I will post in a bit.
Image of IBM’s Selective Sequence Electronic Calculator (c. 1948) found via Boing Boing Gadgets
Okay, I lied.
There were more than the last 45. I’m including 15 additional blog highlights below.
Also, I’m posting these just so you have something to read while we organize the comments from the contest and figure out the winners. The contest just ended – AND majorly huge, HUGE thank you for all the notes! I was expecting just ‘here’s my comment’ but got so much more. It really means a lot. I’ll do my best in the coming weeks to keep things flowing as – sporadically as I can.
We have a hat.
It was my dad’s, a Dobbs/Roos Atkins original from the 1950s. We’re putting everyone’s name on slips of paper, throwing them in the hat and my wife (who the fonts were named after) will draw the winners.
So give us a bit to do all this, we’ll post the results in a short while.
Here’s more highlights from 2009 . . .
[46] djg design
[47] asbestos press
[48] pioneers of modern typography
[51] stefan hattenbach: fine swedish type
[52] yakov g. chernikov
[53] too many type issues, so little time
[54] us interstate, london underground map
[55] star trek production design of the 1960s
[56] this is cbs
[57] the cynic
[58] taking a break, simulated veterans day
[59] wolf
[60] dreams
I’ve decided to start the new year off with a break.
So . . . here’s (my) 45 favorite posts of 2009! Should be enough to keep you reading till I post again (which will be in about two weeks).
As a thank you to everyone who has been reading my blog, sending me emails, even clicking ‘like’ on the Facebook page – in general, supporting my antics online – I’d like to show my appreciation. I’ve decided it’s time for a good old fashioned Jeanne Moderno font giveaway!
To enter, all you have to do is leave a comment on this post. To comment, just click the ‘comment’ link below (and please fill out all the fields).
I will randomly select five winners from the comments. Each winner will receive a complete, licensed set of Jeanne Moderno fonts: All 9 OpenType fonts, $99 USD value. This is them here.
Contest ends 11 p.m. (pacific time) Saturday, January 16, 2010.
And now, here’s the best of the mehallo blog 2009 . . .
[1] ‘as simple as possible, but not simpler’ –einstein
[3] what does your city sound like?
[5] julien breton: light calligraphy
[6] liquid glee!
[7] tschichold: distinguisted typographer
[8] dürer’s rhino
[9] wood type
[11] the cbs gastrotypographicalassemblage
[12] eating out
[13] a joe’s primer
[14] eggs and sausage with a side of type . . .
[15] late night chocolate
[16] jamie oliver: great chef, beautiful magazine
[17] children of the corn
[18] scribbling the corn field!
[21] just thinking
[22] information design: life, death, taxes and spam
[24] disgust this
[25] ‘ruin porn’ – the cliché of abandoned detroit
[26] war commentary
[27] what it really takes to build a global community
[28] good is obvious
[29] paperbag parachute
[30] star trek-n-me
[31] the abc movie
[32] a drive in break
[33] big 40 poster
[34] in defense of myspace: good music, art and real shit
[35] ‘vulgarize !!! buy !!! + porn + ! or die !’ -chymer
[36] dan herrera: estan de una herencia extraña
[37] good grade: d++
[38] jack marchment: electroacoustic audioprose
[39] *meiko
[40] really simple
[41] blackbird
[42] the notebooks of audrey kawasaki
[43] annie is deranged
[44] sew cool
[45] hurr
If 45 isn’t enough, please select from the archive at right. At current count, there’s over 500 blurgs to pour thru, with more on the way.
‘We will sell no wine before its time’
Legendary Orson Welles was the 1970s pitchman for Paul Masson. Outtakes above. Completed, salvaged commercial below . . .
Important message about creativity by the Portland office of Wieden + Kennedy. Made from more than 100,000 tumbtacks. Script lettering. And 351 hours.
More here at swissmiss (including a making of video).
‘For The New York Times Magazine’s annual ‘Year in Ideas’ issue . . . Paula Scher illustrated a chart of selected 2009 patents’
Chart compiled by Alexandra Horowitz and Ammon Shea. Click image for larger version/jump.