Children of the corn

Image via Earthfirst

Does High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) have to be in everything? Not just sodas, but meat products, bread, soups – corn flakes, ketchup, pickles (pickles?? wtf?), applesauce, ice cream, salad dressings  . . .

Even Kentucky Fried Chicken has a honey flavored sauce (pictured). Because just plain honey didn’t quite work. It really needed some tinkering.

Here’s some details about what we eat in the United States. And (update!) even more detail here. Powerful lobby them corn people are. Make Soylent Green seem so trite.

Image via Soloflex

2 Responses to “Children of the corn”

  1. Hi,
    My google alert for HFCS picked up your post.
    Yep, HFCS is in just about everything. However,
    slowly manufacturers are taking the HFCS out.
    Latest to switch: Snapple and Starbucks.
    You might read my article in
    Women’ under “Health and
    Nutrition”. In the meantime, ditch HFCS especially
    HFCS–55 which is used to sweeten beverages.
    Try for an extensive list of HFCS-free
    foods. To your health.

  2. Thanks Cynthia!

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