Schelbert, West, Rietveld

‘handprinted and unique posters in A0 format, printed and digital invitations and adverts in various Dutch magazines   . . .   woodcut printed.’

E-flyer for Alban Schelbert and Christopher West’s End Exam Show at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie. From 2009.

Found via manystuff

Leerstof Tekenen alphabets

‘From Leerstof Tekenen, a collection of assignments and exercises for graphic design students   . . .   Rescued from the Gerrit Rietveld Academy library in Amsterdam’

Found via Freaky Fauna

Van Leeuwen

The work of Denise van Leeuwen.

Kev Winter

‘This is just me fucking about trying to make a secret font’

The work of London-based Kevin Winter. Album covers, fabric collage, printmaking and more. Blog here.

‘Wtf are you eating?’

‘Having many food and chemical sensitivities has been a largely trial-and-error process for what can be tolerated and what can’t, and has resulted in many creative kitchen science experiments’

Web designer/cartoonist (and former student of mine) Annie Hero has developed some major health problems. Recently, she’s taken to blogging about her approach to reclaiming her life from years of processed food intolerance.

Annie’s WTF are you eating? can be found here.

In food

‘The company injects fatty beef trimmings with ammonia to remove E. coli and salmonella’

Ammonia in the beef. Sawdust in the cookies. Orange juice on life support.

Today’s US food processing industry is similar to a big Hollywood production of an apocalyptic society, arrived early. Fast Food Nation and FOOD Inc. were appetizers.

Read CRACKED’s The 6 Most Horrifying Lies here.

CRACKED? Yes, the humor ‘mazagine’ I read when I was a kid turned snarky humor website is now an investigative news site. Another sign of the apocalypse.

Photo by Carol Guzy/Washington Post

Rooster Sauce typography

‘Spice up your design’

Hanging on the walls at Ai Sacramento: AIGA poster, designed and photographed by student Devon Cloutier.

At one point, there was a text change and in lieu of starting over, Devon fixed it – orally, swallowing a lot of the saucy rooster.

Designers do suffer for their art.

Arby’s, sign and BBQ sauce

South San Francisco Arby’s, photographed 1991

I have a soft spot for Arby’s.

The food isn’t great. But when I was a kid, there wasn’t an Arby’s nearby – so heading to the South City location, which showcased a super cool flashing chuckwagon-themed neon sign, was always a special trip.

It was years before I even tasted what REAL sliced roast beef was – who knew it wouldn’t have a salty, lunchmeat-like boiled flavor?

Back then, Arby’s house BBQ sauce was sold in take home bottles; which today I’ve replaced with a knockoff recipe. The trick to a good sauce is a long, slow simmer and the right non-HFCS ketchup. Trader Joe’s Organic makes a great base. [Read more →]

Genghis Kitchen

Up until a few months ago, I was living down the road from this place. I love the name, the food: not so good. Which may explain its recent closure.

Mongolian BBQ has nothing to do with Mongolia, but is a cuisine unto itself. Not anywhere near highbrow, not exactly a real BBQ. It’s a Taiwanese invention, a greasy, interactive meaty experience; the best I ever had was somewhere in Denver. The sport is all about getting as much slammed into the bowl as possible (flattening out the meat) so the food is plentiful and the trips to the grill are few.

Places with extra ingredients (such as shrimp, lamb, tofu) and seasonings (Italian herbs, Cajun spices and Rooster Sauce) are special. Ginghis (Khan) Kitchen, unfortunately, had neither. But – cool name, cool sign.

Photos by mehallo

Runway’s Tierney

‘Between Puck and Heidi Montag’

Another highlight from this season’s Project Runway is Colorado-based fashion designer Julie Tierney.

I love how Julie’s design inspiration comes from multiple, multiple sources – which she then takes to another place – familiar, dramatic and  . . .  layered. [Read more →]

‘I can’t sleep’

Been wickedly busy this week. And I’ve discovered working odd hours and bouts of insomnia become part of the whole experience. Had some cool stuff happen, and some really shitty things happen. I’ve also managed to slip in some great conversations.

Had a 3 a.m. chat with my cousin George. Haven’t talked to him in eons. Tuesday night I finally met the recently-promoted head of the Animation department at school. We talked about how wonderful the feeling is when students blow us away with incredible work. And we decided to join forces in doing something new for students involving typography and motion graphics.

Also had a long, detailed chat with a former student about designers and the fears that slow or stop what it is they’re doing. And how the process is difficult, but incredibly fulfilling when one creates work that they’ve never thought possible. Brilliant minds accomplish surprising things when they get past whatever it may be that gets in the way.

‘Did I do that?’

Yeah. You actually did.

Sleep? Sometimes. The whole 9 to 5 experience: Overrated.

The La’s: I Can’t Sleep

Found via Ronnie Carnwath

Creative Commons License

the work at the mehallo blog. beta. is licensed under a creative commons attribution - noncommercial - no derivative works 3.0 united states license.  if reposting, credit must be given to steve mehallo - and if possible, please provide a link back to the mehallo blog. beta.

i include images for the purpose of critique, review, promotion and inspiration - and always make my best effort give credit/link back to the original source.  if i’ve screwed up, please fire me a note.

page layout based on the wordpress 'darkwater theme' by antbag, adapted and redesigned by mehallo.  valuable php assistance from bill mead.