Save us Salaryman Man!

‘My ex-girlfriend warned me not to mess with Salaryman Man.’

Maybe we’re looking at this whole big business capitalism world economy meltdown thing all wrong.

And maybe I just don’t know how to use my business cards the way Salaryman Man does.

Found via Jamie DeVriend



‘The cartoons were intended for an audience of soldiers  . . .  The depictions of Japanese and Germans are quite stereotypical by today’s standards, but were par for the course in wartime U.S.’

Situation Normal: All Fucked Up.

The Private SNAFU shorts were produced by by Warner Bros. for the War Department. The 1943 Spies short (above) was directed by Chunk Jones and written (in verse, of course) by Theodor ‘Dr. Seuss’ Geisel. With vocals by the great Mel Blanc.

SNAFU is in the public domain – free downloads here.

Giant bomber!

‘This looks like a job for Superman’

WWII stereotypes with a giant aircraft carrier bomber as the prize. From 1942.

Could have sworn I saw a similar airplane stunt in the last Superman movie.


‘Victory Thru Hare Power’

Before Gremlins (also a Warner Bros. production), the tables were turned on Bugs Bunny in Falling Hare.

Below, Hitler fights some ‘Gremlins from the Kremlin.’


‘Public domain Looney Tunes cartoon featuring Daffy fighting the Nazis.’


‘Guns, guns, all kinds of guns!’

Donald Duck gladly gives his money to the IRS.

Different world, different time.

Anti-American Manifesto: The other shoe drops

My dad – a decorated United States veteran – died in 2006. In his last days, he was questioning what happened to the country he fought for in WWII. He was appalled at what was going on – and wondered if it were all worth it.

He said we need a revolution. And Tedd Rall is a cartoonist who is now saying just that. This is his new book. Clip from a talk below.

Very dramatic MSNBC interview here.

Interesting POV.

Found via Janine De Mulder

Gonick’s Cartoon History

RSA’s new animated lectures remind me of Larry Gonick’s wonderful Cartoon History of the Universe series.

Gonick’s been working on these since the 1970s. I have a few of his original comic book editions. In the 1990s, he even licensed an interactive CD ROM version – with panels animated directly from his book, plus detailed 3D animated history lectures. Unfortunately, this CD adventure will not run on my computer today.

Wanna get caught up on history? Start here.

Larry Gonick’s official site here.

‘Millennials’ strike back

‘Millennials: In ur coffeeshop stealin ur wireless’

Millennials have been labeled as ‘hapless, jobless lollygaggers’ – cause our media loves to sum things up using really old buzzwords.

Tho as someone who teaches at the college level – I see something else entirely. Overstimulated kids who’ve been thrown in to a world that doesn’t quite make sense. A world they’re gonna have to figure out.

Cause the older kids broke it for them.

21-year-old Kyle Chayka’s Millennials magazine takes issue with the media labels, and brings a much-needed point of view. Visit the Millennials website/blog here.

And read more about it here.

Found via Katie Fendick

World changing: What could be next?

‘Renowned academic David Harvey asks if it is time to look beyond capitalism towards a new social order that would allow us to live within a system that really could be responsible, just, and humane?’

Dr. Harvey defines our world financial problems from a Marxist perspective – with cartoon illustrations by Andrew Park.

He asks the right question, but the problem does need an answer.

Part of the RSA Animate series of lectures.

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the work at the mehallo blog. beta. is licensed under a creative commons attribution - noncommercial - no derivative works 3.0 united states license.  if reposting, credit must be given to steve mehallo - and if possible, please provide a link back to the mehallo blog. beta.

i include images for the purpose of critique, review, promotion and inspiration - and always make my best effort give credit/link back to the original source.  if i’ve screwed up, please fire me a note.

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