‘Millennials’ strike back

‘Millennials: In ur coffeeshop stealin ur wireless’

Millennials have been labeled as ‘hapless, jobless lollygaggers’ – cause our media loves to sum things up using really old buzzwords.

Tho as someone who teaches at the college level – I see something else entirely. Overstimulated kids who’ve been thrown in to a world that doesn’t quite make sense. A world they’re gonna have to figure out.

Cause the older kids broke it for them.

21-year-old Kyle Chayka’s Millennials magazine takes issue with the media labels, and brings a much-needed point of view. Visit the Millennials website/blog here.

And read more about it here.

Found via Katie Fendick

2 Responses to “‘Millennials’ strike back”

  1. I was expecting a lot more anger. Especially due to the rampant speculation that both A) Generation Y is solely responsible for Congress spending more than it’s bugdet every year since 1969 and therefore the current financial meltdown and B) Taking for granted new technological innovations and yet simultaneously over-indulging said innovations. I know that pisses me off something mighty.

  2. Yes, overstimulated in a world that doesn’t make sense. Very, very astute…..I saw that while being a student at Ai. But then, it is a big planet. Billions of people. One generation in the US compared to say, that same generation in China or India. Lots to figure out.

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