entries Tagged as [typography]

Trajan with lowercase

Why doesn’t the Trajan font have lowercase?

Traditionally, Trajan is based on a carefully drawn and carved inscription at the base of Trajan’s Column in Rome – crafted sometime around 113 A.D.

And basically, lowercase didn’t exist yet. What we call lowercaseminuscules, our second alphabet – evolved over the next 1000 years (or so).

So what would Trajan look like if it actually did have a lowercase? This is open to interpretation.

Dave Farey and Richard Dawson’s La Gioconda is one take on this, adapting the 16th Century lettering of Giovanni Francesco Cresci as the companion letterforms.

Check it out here.

Reimagining the Roman Colosseum with type

‘Over the course of the next 12 months, the artwork was handcrafted character by character, totaling roughly 250 hours of work from start to finish. Characters from the Goudy Trajan and Bembo Pro typefaces form the Coliseum (or Colosseum)’

Cameron Moll’s limited edition Colosseo letterpress posters. Video above, more project details here.

‘Vulgar, 60-year-old emoticons’

‘Nick Martens digs into the pages of the great dictionary that chronicles the history and development of the English language, and unearths some typographic gems.’

Great article about obscure typographic references in the Oxford English Dictionary. Read it here.

Photo found via emdot

MoMA and the history of @

‘MoMA’s announced what might be its boldest acquisition ever. And it didn’t even cost anything: The ‘@’ symbol is now a part of the museum’s permanent design collection.’

Article here.

Pictured above, the @ symbol from Goudy’s Bertham font.

Making Metal Typefaces in the 21th Century

‘This project has a dual goal of documenting the almost-lost skill of creating metal fonts and of capturing the personality and work process specifically of practitioner the late Canadian graphic artist Jim Rimmer (1931–2010)’

Richard Kegler’s long-delayed documentary, Making Faces: Metal Type in the 21st Century, has just secured just enough funding for completion.

For more about the film, go here and here.

Rimmer and Kegler

McGrew is back

‘Mac McGrew’s 1993 2nd, revised edition is an important book for any printer, collector, student or aficionado of letterpress type. Equally valuable as a typeface reference and an insightful history of the typemaking industry in America.’ –Letterpress Type

THE book on metal typefaces cast in America (hint: not all of them have been digitized) is Mac McGrew’s American Metal Typefaces of the Twentieth Century.

Long out of print, this 398 page resource is available once again. Snag your copy here.

Pictured: my dog eared, Post-It note filled edition.

Found via Steve Matteson

The International Printing Museum: New logo, new site

One of the coolest printing history finds in the Los Angeles area is The International Printing Museum in Carson.

Tucked away in an industrial section and run by the incredible Mark Barbour, the museum hosts an amazing collection of rare equipment, The Book Arts Institute (Hi Rachelle!), The Wayzgoose Gazette, a gallery, library and more.

And now they have a new RSS-friendly blog-based website – sporting a new logotype (above) created by Gina Pirtle Simpson.

Click on any image to visit the museum’s website/jump.

Museum photographs by April Rocha

Support St Bride

‘The St Bride Library is the largest library for printing, publishing and the graphic arts in the English-speaking world.’

The St Bride Library now has a shop. Limited edition type/printing books, snag em here.

The Clarendon trend

Jason Munn

Just had a discussion – and major test question – involving 19th Century wonder Clarendon in my history class. As a type, Clarendon has been popping up all over the place for a bunch of years now.

I use it (paired with Jenson) for handouts in my introductory type course at ARC, up until recently, it was the corporate font for Starbucks  . . .  it just boldly says, read me.

New article (and cool samples) posted by SOTA’s Tamye Riggs here.

Jessica Fleischmann

Madeleine Eiche

Simon Dovar and Nils Davey

Picking fonts

‘Is there a way to know what fonts will work together? Building a palette is an intuitive process, but expanding a typographic duet to three, four, or even five voices can be daunting.’ –H&FJ

‘how do I pick the right font?’
. . .  is the most common question I’m asked in my type courses. And my answers aren’t usually simple. I liken it to picking the right suit, tie and shoes.

What handbag will work best, nail polish, lipstick, gloss or none, which eye liner will simply look great  . . .

One learns by doing. [

Type-driven advertising

Many, many samples: Ads using fantastic typography. Go here.

Found via Veer

Creative Commons License

the work at the mehallo blog. beta. is licensed under a creative commons attribution - noncommercial - no derivative works 3.0 united states license.  if reposting, credit must be given to steve mehallo - and if possible, please provide a link back to the mehallo blog. beta.

i include images for the purpose of critique, review, promotion and inspiration - and always make my best effort give credit/link back to the original source.  if i’ve screwed up, please fire me a note.

page layout based on the wordpress 'darkwater theme' by antbag, adapted and redesigned by mehallo.  valuable php assistance from bill mead.