entries Tagged as [typography]

Meisky: Fashion ‘textstyle’

‘This typeface, titled ‘Meisky,’ was designed for a San Francisco fashion designer. With slim lines, geometrically balanced proportions and high contrast’ -kb

Fashion typeface designed by (a former student of mine) Kile Brekke. More details here.

Black + white + type

‘Armed with blase attitudes and killer looks, Jacquelyn Jablonski and Hannah Holman don black and white ensembles for an editorial in the spring issue of Self Service.’ –Fashion Gone Rogue

Photographed by Ezra Petronio, styled by Suzanne Koller. More here.

Nice type

‘Some of his work is greatly inspired by the works of Terry Richardson, Juergen Teller and Helmut Newton’ –Marius Troy

The fashion/fetish photography of Bangkok-based Jens Ingvarsson.

Okay, so the type does have some kerning problems.

Virtue: Typographic comic book

‘comic books that use typography in place of imagery as the primary method of storytelling’

James Pannafino is working on producing a unique type-only comic book and is seeking funding thru Kickstarter. Website/more details here.

Found via James Saturnio

Mostly 2 letter Scrabble words

My wife is a Scrabble phenom. And one of her hush-hush strategies is the legal two letter words one can use in play.

For one of my specimens for my Chandler 42 fonts (above), she created a connected word chart listing these and a few others.

Type in type

type it.

Typography is everywhere.

And inspired by sfgirlbybay, here’s a way to have fun with type today.

Just type the word ‘type’ into Flickr’s search engine.

See what pops up. Enjoy the show.

Nordic Type

Specimen of type from the a Mano/Dean wood type collection

Pizza box full of wood type for Cooper Union

Type Specimen book: 1961

Typewriter illustration


From 2004: Magazine cover design by Amondó Szegi, co-founder of the Fontana Font Foundry.

Space Alphabet, 1964

Flickr set here.

Found via Martin Klasch

Gill Sans in French

Gill Sans video by Matthieu Dufour and Carl Soper.

(France also had French Futura.)

Jeanne Moderno in Basel

‘I was at a department store here in Basel and this in-store magazine caught my eye. The focus is Barcelona and all the headings are set in what must be Jeanne Moderno!’ -Nina

Nina Stössinger not only snagged me a copy of Globus Savoir Vivre‘s Barcelona issue; she also popped it in the mail. It just arrived a couple days ago.

It’s always great to see my fonts in use. Especially when the designer uses my funky accents.

First two photos by Nina Stössinger, the rest by mehallo

Jeanne Moderno invades Twitter HQ

‘I tried to make small details count by making them meaningful, fun, playful, full of color, yet useful and sustainable  . . .  With artwork, we involved Twitter employees and local artists, 3 Fish Studios.’ -Sara

A Jeanne Moderno t graces the Cafe area at Twitter Headquarters in San Francisco.

Am I honored? Of course. Twitter has become one of my favorite screwy things to do.

Interiors designed by Sara Morishige. Fonts were sourced via the supercool Bryan Mason at Typekit.

More details here. Additional photos here.

That be a Jeanne t, at right

Creative Commons License

the work at the mehallo blog. beta. is licensed under a creative commons attribution - noncommercial - no derivative works 3.0 united states license.  if reposting, credit must be given to steve mehallo - and if possible, please provide a link back to the mehallo blog. beta.

i include images for the purpose of critique, review, promotion and inspiration - and always make my best effort give credit/link back to the original source.  if i’ve screwed up, please fire me a note.

page layout based on the wordpress 'darkwater theme' by antbag, adapted and redesigned by mehallo.  valuable php assistance from bill mead.