entries Tagged as [avant garde]

Bauhaus ice cream

‘California-based architects Natasha Case and Freya Estreller recently set up Coolhaus as some sort of frozen snack homage to industry icons’

I guess if there can be a Bauhaus coffee, there can be Bauhaus ice cream.

Food truck-based ‘Coolhaus’ features ice cream sandwiches with names such as Frank Behry and Mies Vanilla Rohe. Check them out here.

Local in Los Angeles, Austin and (soon in) NYC/Hamptons.

Found via Die Wunderhammer von Frau Zaftig

Film: Der Mensch als Industriepalast

‘The intertwining of science, art and technology: An animated and interactive installation based on the poster of the same title by Fritz Kahn from 1927.’

Animation by Henning M. Lederer, sound design by David Indge.

More info here. Original poster below.

Der Mensch als Industriepalast, Fritz Kahn, 1927

Found via Gábor Kóthay


The work of Mark Weaver.

I really enjoyed his redesign of the incredible Paste magazine (sadly, now an online-only venture) – and do check out his Make Something Cool Every Day project.

Avant Garde money

‘The third issue of Avant-Garde, May 1968, ran an attention-grabbing feature entitled ‘Revaluation of the Dollar: 19 Artists Design a New One-Dollar Bill.”

I have this issue of Avant Garde. Managed to acquire a stack of them at a rummage sale. Just thumbing thru, it’s great to see the original stuff that inspired so much 1970s revivalism this past decade.

A look at the money article here.

Found via the Eye magazine blog

Sonar Base

Another Metropolis remix (above).

The complete, newly restored Metropolis (1927) will be showing locally at the Crest Theatre in Sacramento, September 11 and 12, 2010.

Found via Alex R. Trujillo

‘Tower Bawher’

‘The film’s title is an allusion to Tatlin’s Tower. This animated short by Theodore Ushev is like a whirlwind tour of Russian constructivist art and is filled with visual references to artists of the era, including Vertov, Stenberg, Rodchenko, Lissitsky and Popova.’

Brilliantly done! From 2006.

Tatlin’s ‘Tower of Babel’

‘Tatlin’s Tower or The Monument to the Third International is a grand monumental building envisioned by the Russian artist and architect Vladimir Tatlin, but never built.’

Article here.

Lady Gaga with The Bolshoi Ballet

A trailer (above) for a performance you’ll never see – because it’s already passed.

Some info here. And the trailer was released four months after the event.


Just enjoy.

Gaga, Mercury, Metropolis

Queen’s Radio Gaga. From 1984.

The video features public domain footage from Fritz Lang’s Metropolis (1927).

Metropolis’ New Tower of Babel; click for larger version/jump

Also in 1984, producer Giorgio Moroder updated Metropolis with a rock score – controversial for some purists. Queen’s Freddy Mercury contributed Love Kills to the soundtrack (video below); though unrelated to the Gaga single.

So far, Moroder’s new wave-esque version (due to music licensing) hasn’t been officially released on DVD. But in comparison to the original (which got a complete restoration just this year), Moroder’s music, color tints and enhanced sound fx result in a totally different, very 1980s film experience.

Constructivism: Never Odd or Even

Constructivism was an artistic and architectural movement that originated in Russia from 1919 onward which rejected the idea of ‘art for art’s’ sake in favour of art as a practice directed towards social purposes  . . .  this video is part of the ‘Palette’ project and pays homage to Constructivism.’

Bill Hooper’s Never Odd or Even, video by Mark Garvey.


Student-made trailer for a mock exhibition at the MoMA. Featuring Miles Davis’ Bitches Brew.

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the work at the mehallo blog. beta. is licensed under a creative commons attribution - noncommercial - no derivative works 3.0 united states license.  if reposting, credit must be given to steve mehallo - and if possible, please provide a link back to the mehallo blog. beta.

i include images for the purpose of critique, review, promotion and inspiration - and always make my best effort give credit/link back to the original source.  if i’ve screwed up, please fire me a note.

page layout based on the wordpress 'darkwater theme' by antbag, adapted and redesigned by mehallo.  valuable php assistance from bill mead.