My dad used to have a lot of garage sales. And every time, he’d put up a sign listing the shopping days until Christmas.
Even if the garage sale were in February. He’d figure it out.
Poster by digital illustrator Pierre Bourgeault; found via Lux Nova
Parallels’ Raised By Wolves remix by Kilian Eng on Vimeo
More animation by Killian Eng/DW Design.
exit strategy, digital
The two editions of Aaron Winters’ Exit Strategy art annual are now available to peruse online at Issuu. Featuring art by Jessie LeDoux, Attaboy, Steak Mtn, Jay Howell, John Stuart Berger, Skinner and many, many more.
For Exit Strategy #1 (2005), go here.
For Exit Strategy #2 (2006), go here, registration required ’cause of naughty bits.
exit strategy, print
Some print editions are still available. ES #2 features a 10″ vinyl LP; bands include Sincabeza, PETS, Butch vs Femme, GOLAB and The Tangles (also available as a download).
Go here for more info.
‘No Longer Empty (NLE) is a comprised of arts advocates, curators and artists who orchestrate public art exhibitions in vacated storefronts and properties in New York City.’
Street artist Gaia paints a mural at 223 East Broadway, NYC.
Gaia’s website. More about NLE here.
Found via Bloodwars Magazine
40th Anniversary Woodstock tribute poster tied to a west coast music festival.
This was a collaborative project I designed with psychedelic light show legend George Holden. His liquid light backgrounds, my illustration and lettering.
Matt Jeffries was the production designer for the original Star Trek, but somewhere along the way designer Thomas Kellogg was brought in to develop the Shuttlecraft Galileo – made famous in the episode The Galileo Seven.
Kellogg became well-known for his design for the Studebaker Avanti Coupe while working under über designer Raymond Loewy. One can see the likeness between the shuttlecraft rendering (above) and the Avanti (below).
And read more about all this here.
Here’s an interview with Tom Kellogg.