Exit Strategy now online

exit strategy, digital
The two editions of Aaron Winters’ Exit Strategy art annual are now available to peruse online at Issuu. Featuring art by Jessie LeDoux, Attaboy, Steak Mtn, Jay Howell, John Stuart Berger, Skinner and many, many more.

For Exit Strategy #1 (2005), go here.
For Exit Strategy #2 (2006), go here, registration required ’cause of naughty bits.

exit strategy, print
Some print editions are still available. ES #2 features a 10″ vinyl LP; bands include Sincabeza, PETS, Butch vs Femme, GOLAB and The Tangles (also available as a download).

Go here for more info.

One Response to “Exit Strategy now online”

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by steve mehallo, steve mehallo. steve mehallo said: Exit Strategy now online – http://clicky.me/6VA […]

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