Zapfino: Really fast

‘Real time: 1 hour 28 minutes, footage was recorded nonstop in one sitting. I was going as fast as I could so there are some imperfections here and there.’

Student Tony Wang’s final project from my experimental typography course at The Art Institute of California Sacramento. Tony spent the past eleven weeks doing a multifaceted study of the work of Hermann Zapf.

It culminated in the above video – vector-based drawings/tracings of Zapfino caps.

Each drawing was hand rendered (no live trace) in Adobe Illustrator. (For my beginning courses, students have to draft letterforms by hand with pencil/compass. Tony’s beautifully realized final is the next logical step in the process.)

2 Responses to “Zapfino: Really fast”

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by steve mehallo, Rodrigo Mastrigiani. Rodrigo Mastrigiani said: Zapfino: Really fast | via @mehallo @tipocracia […]

  2. That was awesome! It was inspiring!

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