TRIO: cable, web, gone.

TRIO was a brilliantly odd cable network that sort of ended up being shuffled about and sort of vanished from tee vee in an acquisition by NBC that included similar net Bravo and a bunch of other things. That’s the short way to put it. In all, NBC ended up channeling its money and energy into Bravo.

Some of TRIO’s wares included Brilliant But Canceled, re-airings of great television programs that were too smart for their own good. Today, TRIO lives as a web archive (with a link back to Bravo, of course) – and Brilliant But Canceled is now a web blog.

In all this, Scott Stowell‘s open designed the look of the network, with design studio No.17 creating the logo; filmmaker Chris Wilcha and music supervisors Agoraphone along for the ride.

Official TRIO page here. Open’s portfolio (with videos) here. AIGA TRIO design article here.

They were brilliant, tho canceled.

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  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by steve mehallo. steve mehallo said: new blog post: TRIO: cable, web, gone. – […]

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