
Passed along books are great.

That’s how we ended up with dog-eared copies of Jules Feiffer’s first books, collections of his beat era comic strips for The Village Voice.

Feiffer did his weekly loose, sketchy strip for 42 years – eventually canceling it when he felt the audience just wasn’t there anymore. [Read more →]

Allen comic strip

‘Woody, the pen-and-ink protagonist, was angst-ridden, flawed, fearful, insecure, inadequate, pessimistic, urban, single, lustful, rejected by women’

My first ever exposure to Woody Allen came from a comic strip. One that floated around the daily paper.

The very neurotic Inside Woody Allen was drawn by cartoonist Stuart Hample – and ran in newspapers from 1976-84.

The author explains what it was and how it happened here.

Retrospective book available here.

Hample passed away in 2010. Career overview here.

Allen live

Part 1

Half hour Woody Allen stand up special. Recorded for Granada Television, Manchester, 1965.

Part 2

Part 3


‘The Many Faces of Woody Allen’ by Brandon Schaefer. Prints available here.

Click to view larger/jump to source.

Found via a place for pretty things & the occasional giggle

Making the A

More from Jessica Hische. Click to view full size/jump to source.

And check out Jessica’s daily caps here.

The letter A

A look at the letter A. From Alan Fletcher’s The Art of Looking Sideways.

Brains on inspiration

‘Why you should know your shit’

Above, a look at how inspiration from multiple sources work better than tunnel vision. And design school tends to help with this.

Good design influences are everywhere. Ignoring it is like cutting off a limb. Or two.

Illustration by Jessica Hische. Click to view larger/jump.

Taste and graphic design

I’ve been drawing my ‘taste’ chart on a white board for about six or seven years now.

Taste in graphic design is a concept I’ve been aware of for a long time – but as I looked out at what other designers were doing, taste wasn’t always a part of it. I kept seeing graphic designers who were stuck in one mode and not going any further.

‘I know that’ – is typically the term that shuts down most creativity. I’ve heard it from a lot of professionals in my field.

Diversity is the key to being a graphic designer today. Understanding concepts of other design industries – fashion, interior, architecture – even music – takes one further.

So one day in a classroom, I spontaneously drew this ‘taste’ chart.

I’ve since used it with clients, students and other designers to show different ways of approaching graphic design – so we’re not all just sitting here with blinders on, our heads in the sand. [Read more →]

‘Don’t Clean Your Desk’

The work of Hanna Viktorsson.

Found via Ashley Simko

Where do good ideas come from?

‘Chance favors the connected mind’

Steven Johnson pieces it all together. Interview here. Book here.

TED talk, above. Animate by Andrew Park/CognitiveMedia, below.

Infinity elephants

‘Vi hart is the creator of fun math-based craft/drawing videos shown in time-lapse with her own narration.’

Website here.

Video doodles (above) led to the 3d-printed Apollonian gasket, below.

Found via Odedadali

Creative Commons License

the work at the mehallo blog. beta. is licensed under a creative commons attribution - noncommercial - no derivative works 3.0 united states license.  if reposting, credit must be given to steve mehallo - and if possible, please provide a link back to the mehallo blog. beta.

i include images for the purpose of critique, review, promotion and inspiration - and always make my best effort give credit/link back to the original source.  if i’ve screwed up, please fire me a note.

page layout based on the wordpress 'darkwater theme' by antbag, adapted and redesigned by mehallo.  valuable php assistance from bill mead.