entries Tagged as [graphic design]

Van Leeuwen

The work of Denise van Leeuwen.

Kev Winter

‘This is just me fucking about trying to make a secret font’

The work of London-based Kevin Winter. Album covers, fabric collage, printmaking and more. Blog here.

‘Wtf are you eating?’

‘Having many food and chemical sensitivities has been a largely trial-and-error process for what can be tolerated and what can’t, and has resulted in many creative kitchen science experiments’

Web designer/cartoonist (and former student of mine) Annie Hero has developed some major health problems. Recently, she’s taken to blogging about her approach to reclaiming her life from years of processed food intolerance.

Annie’s WTF are you eating? can be found here.

Rooster Sauce typography

‘Spice up your design’

Hanging on the walls at Ai Sacramento: AIGA poster, designed and photographed by student Devon Cloutier.

At one point, there was a text change and in lieu of starting over, Devon fixed it – orally, swallowing a lot of the saucy rooster.

Designers do suffer for their art.

Genghis Kitchen

Up until a few months ago, I was living down the road from this place. I love the name, the food: not so good. Which may explain its recent closure.

Mongolian BBQ has nothing to do with Mongolia, but is a cuisine unto itself. Not anywhere near highbrow, not exactly a real BBQ. It’s a Taiwanese invention, a greasy, interactive meaty experience; the best I ever had was somewhere in Denver. The sport is all about getting as much slammed into the bowl as possible (flattening out the meat) so the food is plentiful and the trips to the grill are few.

Places with extra ingredients (such as shrimp, lamb, tofu) and seasonings (Italian herbs, Cajun spices and Rooster Sauce) are special. Ginghis (Khan) Kitchen, unfortunately, had neither. But – cool name, cool sign.

Photos by mehallo

Chank, for Target

While everyone’s gone Missoni for Target crazy, Chank Diesel and Anne Ulku snuck a little custom font into this year’s Target Halloween promos.

Details here.

Blinky! Eyelash typeface

Eyelash typeface by New York-based Amitis Pahlevan.

Creamy! Vintage Albolene

‘A pure, bland, unscented, soothing cleaning cream and lubricant’

Another vintage find: Albolene cold cream container.

For the past 15 or so years, we’ve had this little can perched in whatever bathroom was part of our nest.

Swooshy! Van den Velde Script

The newest font package from Brazil-based Iza and Paulo W of Intellecta Design is pure pen magic: A loose interpretation of the work of Dutch calligrapher Jan van den Velde, 1568-1623.

The Van den Velde fonts feature a bunch of stylistic alternatives, ligatures, swooshes, swashes and other strokes that say woooooooo!

Two frilly fonts are available – one with letters, alternates and fleurons – and a ‘words’ version that features a set of customized words to make any decorative communiqué become the domain of an expert penman.

Snag your own thru MyFonts. Both fonts are on sale thru September 27, 2011.

Lady Baltimore Fashion Luggage

‘Exclusive designer styled brass finished die-cast locks’

We found this on our honeymoon back in 1995.

We’d picked up a bunch of trinkets in Seattle and needed an extra piece of luggage – so a few hours before our trip home, we ran across this luxuriously lined Lady Baltimore display model in a small shop.

Been a part of the family ever since.

‘Fucked Up Shit’

Handlettered type for GAMA-GO by the great Ray Fenwick.

Ray is the author of one of my favorite typographic comic panels, Hall of Best Knowledge – now available in convenient book form.

Creative Commons License

the work at the mehallo blog. beta. is licensed under a creative commons attribution - noncommercial - no derivative works 3.0 united states license.  if reposting, credit must be given to steve mehallo - and if possible, please provide a link back to the mehallo blog. beta.

i include images for the purpose of critique, review, promotion and inspiration - and always make my best effort give credit/link back to the original source.  if i’ve screwed up, please fire me a note.

page layout based on the wordpress 'darkwater theme' by antbag, adapted and redesigned by mehallo.  valuable php assistance from bill mead.