‘One of them just walked off the show and the other just dropped dead.’ -said my wife, Thursday night
Something interesting happened this week on Project Runway. And it wasn’t Cecilia throwing in the towel or Oliver collapsing on a track at the Armory. Nor was it the general bitchiness from teams Joshua or Anthony Ryan.
Heidi Klum actually gave the designers MORE TIME to complete their work. And for the first time this season, I was able to see what I came for: Some good fashion design. Not great, but good.
(Okay, the first challenge was really good, but there was a drop off after that)
A dark cloud of schadenfreude seems to be the Project Runway modus operandi this time out – and frankly, I’m not enjoying it very much. Sadism on tee vee, not a big draw for me.
The Project Runway formula is the same as usual: Take some great talent, surprise them with challenges within a quick time frame, and see what they can do.
Only so far, all we’ve been able to really see are some harebrained stunts for the designers to work with (models on stilts, really??), insane time limits, near nervous breakdowns, panic attacks, Nina saying ‘no’ a whole lot. This show that has become legendary for showcasing incredible designers and pushing careers forward had devolved into Project Sweatshop. Workflow of getting things done over getting things done well. [Read more →]
Tags: design, design history, events, fashion, illustration, typography by steve
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