Ad for Hermes typewriters, designed by Josef Müller-Brockmann, 1950.
Müller-Brockmann video homage here.
Found via Josef Muller-Brockmann: Pioneer of Swiss Graphic Design
‘Taken by Douglas R.Gilbert as Dylan was typing the liner notes for his fourth album, Another Side of Bob Dylan, in his writing studio above the Café Espresso on Tinker Street, Woodstock, New York, in August 1964.’
Last month, Bob Dylan turned 70.
Bob Dylan: I Don’t Believe You (She Acts Like We Never Have Met) (Live)
Photo found via oz.Typewriter
‘With a combination of live-action and animation, Khrzhanovskiy weaves a magical portrait of Brodsky and his milieu from post-war Leningrad to an imaginary visit to the new St. Petersburg’
Above, trailer for Andrey Khrzhanovskiy’s A Room and a Half – based on the life of poet Joseph Brodsky (1940-96).
Joseph Brodsky, baby Hermes typewriter
‘I found the Candidates of Politburo in the loft of an old, hidden soviet theatre near my hometown Brandenburg. The colored b/w pictures on wooden boards are exposed to sun and rain because the roof is already gone. Some are perforated by bullets.’
The photography of Fritz Fabert.
Self portrait, Fritz Fabert
Mercedes Schreibmaschine poster by Ernst Dryden, 1911.