Ludwig Meidner, Apocalyptic Landscape, 1912
Images from the Weimar blog post ‘From Calgari to Hitler,’ named for Siegfried Kracauer’s book on German cinema (1910-40).

Jakob Steinhardt, The City, 1913

Robert Wiene, Das Kabinett des Dr. Caligari, 1919

Original sketch for a scene in The Cabinet of Dr Caligari from Lotte Eisner

Erich Godal, Die Straße (The Street), 1923

Louise Brooks in “Pandora’s Box” (G.W.Pabst, 1929)

Rudolf Klein Rogge in Lang’s The Testament of Dr. Mabuse, 1933

Otto Dix, The Actor Heinrich George, 1933

George Grosz, John, the Lady Killer, 1918

Art director Erich Kettelhut & crew create the futuristic city set of Metropolis

Raoul Hausmann, Mechanical Head (Spirit of Our Age), c. 1920

John Martin, Illustration to Paradise Lost, 1825

Magnus Zeller, The Orator, 1920

Leni Riefenstahl, Triumph of the Will, 1934
Tags: art, design, design history, photography by steve
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