Bin Laden is dead, the nation cheers
guest post by victoria arriaga
Is no one else disturbed by this?
I’m not talking about the possible fact that Bin Laden is dead; I mean the convenience of this information. What a load-off it must be for the GOP. After months of dealing with backlashes for stripping our rights one by one across the country, they now have a bit of a break while the population is nicely distracted. Don’t lose sight of the real problem our country if facing right now – within its own borders.
They talk about democracy and justice and all the while Republican Governors and officials across the country are working hard to get rid of collecting bargaining rights, to put in place officials who can dismiss mayors when they see fit, and to make it more difficult for people to register to vote. They are doing everything they can to ensure that the poor and powerless don’t have a say.
What saddens me most is that many of you don’t see it. You’re too busy watching the millionaire-owned news networks who spoonfeed you garbage to distract you from the very real things that are happening. [Read more →]