This spoon has been sitting in a classroom at the Art Institute. For weeks. Not bothering anyone.
Congress Hall in Biel, Switzerland. Not Photoshop, it’s real. Responsible party: Sabina Lang and Daniel Baumann. Details here.
Click image for larger version/jump.
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The work of Erin Cone. Love her simple asymmetric compositions, framing, color, restraint. Subdued elegance.
Found via Fatima Ronquillo
Here’s a collection of some of the best work by UK-based graffiti artist Banksy.
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‘Futurism was an international art movement founded in Italy in 1909. It was (and is) a refreshing contrast to the weepy sentimentalism of Romanticism. The Futurists loved speed, noise, machines, pollution, and cities; they embraced the exciting new world that was then upon them rather than hypocritically enjoying the modern world’s comforts while loudly denouncing the forces that made them possible. Fearing and attacking technology has become almost second nature to many people today; the Futurist manifestos show us an alternative philosophy. Too bad they were all Fascists.’ -Kim Scarborough’s Guide to Futurism
Parole in Libertà book cover (1932), found via laura@popdesign
This year is the 100th anniversary of F. T. Marinetti’s Manifesto of Futurism (1909) – and San Francisco has celebrations planned October 14th thru 18th. [Read more →]