‘Do not fuck with graphic designers’



I love good information graphics. And bad information graphics make my eyes bleed.

Check out this redesign by Robert Palmer (and strong letter to Rep. John Boehner) of a recent visual attack on the Democratic Health Plan.

This is an excellent example as to why graphic designers (well trained graphic designers) can do a lot more than just push buttons on a computer. Or make a logo look nice. Good graphic design is about good communication – and can be world changing.

(That’s my soapbox for the day. Thank you for reading.)

Found via Twitter.com/angelaglenn

7 Responses to “‘Do not fuck with graphic designers’”

  1. Not too surprising that it reminds me of the Lifeskins design.

  2. You noticed that too? ;)

  3. the “before” one is appalling.

  4. At first I thought I was looking at a board game then when I saw the second design I realized this is not the case! lol Big difference.

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