Sacramento Pecha Kucha triple header

‘Nil basterdo carborundum’

I did Pecha Kucha back in January and it was a blast. And since, Sacramento’s Pecha Kucha group has grown by leaps and a few bounds.

Happening this week is a three-night Pecha Kucha Grand Slam – brought to you by Ottolini & Associates, Architects. Co-sponsored by Capital Creative Collective and Urban Hive. Over a DOZEN really cool speakers! Designers, artists, photographers, architects. With music by the always incredible Alex Trujillo.

[1] Thursday, November 5th, 2009
The Level Up Lounge Outdoor Plaza, 8:20-10 p.m.

[2] Friday, November 6th, 2009
The Urban Hive 8:20-10 p.m.

[3] Saturday, November 7th, 2009
MARRS Building 8:20-10 p.m.

For more about Pecha Kucha in Sacramento (and worldwide) go here. (And I’m not one of the speakers this time. But I will do it again eventually)

One Response to “Sacramento Pecha Kucha triple header”

  1. Garmin 1490t…

    […]below you’ll find the link to some sites that we think you should visit[…]…

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