Helvetica vs. Arial: Game

This has been a favorite for awhile. Premise: You’re time-honored Helvetica and you get to beat the crap out of sneaky Arial. Unless Arial gets to you first.

Go here.

And call me crazy, but this game seems to go a bit faster these days. That bastard Arial has gotten even more aggressive!

4 Responses to “Helvetica vs. Arial: Game”

  1. 1.) More…

    2.) […]if you want to read a bit more then I recommend the following[…]…

  2. provide a complete set of…

    […]to take into account changes in[…]…

  3. 1.) What do you think…

    2.) […]it would be cool if you took a look at this site. It has some good information on it[……]…

  4. nor do they compromise…

    […]are neither complex nor difficult[…]…

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