Graphic design and standup comedy

Well, I see it this way. I’ve been using my time listening to the greats and nights spent in comedy clubs as part of my teaching ‘act’ for years now. And after reading Steve Martin’s Born Standing Up and all the insane prep he did to do what he did (never realized how neurotically obsessive he was), it all seems to resonate.

Michael Bierut – who had one of the best lines in the Helvetica film – takes a look at the parallels between hard work as a designer and a comedian. Great read for anyone working in a creative field.

3 Responses to “Graphic design and standup comedy”

  1. Garmin 1490t GPS…

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  2. Garmin Nuvi 1490t…

    […]here are some links to sites that we link to because we think they are worth visiting[…]…

  3. 1.) Another site…

    2.) […]I don’t normally recommend other sites but I will break my trend for this[…]…

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