Introducing: Jeanne Moderno, 9 new modernist fonts

get modern[o]
This is what I’ve been up to for the past year. Instead of plopping down in front of the tee vee, I decided to do something a bit more productive.

Last January I started working on a font idea I’ve had brewing for about 10 years. Sketched a lot, poured thru my collection of type books, fired up Fontlab, put on some music (bands of choice: theSTART and iVellora) (and actually, I could only draw these letters when listening to Aimee, Chelsea + co) and I basically took myself through one letter after another  . . .  and

with some final tweaks this week by Rod Cavazos and his team at Psy/Ops in San Francisco, I am happy to announce today the release of my newest fonts!

Jeanne Moderno is a synthesis of Bodoni Italic, 19th Century Fat Faces and elements from early 20th century (pre-bauhaus) modernism.

Jeanne Moderno is a ‘revisionary’ typeface, in that it incorporates elements that sort of existed, and also didn’t exist. Kind of modern, a bit steampunk, with a twist of fashion  . . .  all together raw and elegant.

With a geometric version just for anyone who wants a change from Futura Black or font menu standby, Braggadocio.

purchasing options
You can download your very own copy of Jeanne Moderno thru the steve mehallo foundry at MyFonts. MyFonts also has a set of my historical ‘specimen’ images in the gallery section.

Psy/Ops was the first foundry to release Jeanne Moderno, and you can order your copy here. Jeanne Moderno is also available thru my friends at Ascender.

We’ve set up a few different purchasing options for Jeanne Moderno. We have the fonts available as a superset (9 fonts for 99 bucks US) or individually (32 bucks US) – basically, whatever you choose, Jeanne Moderno is about the same price you’d pay for a really good book.

Huge thanks to everyone who has supported me in this endeavor. Especially my wife, who is the namesake of this particular type family.

3 Responses to “Introducing: Jeanne Moderno, 9 new modernist fonts”

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