Rietveld: Interpreted as a font

Experimental typeface inspired by the work of Gerrit Rietveld (1888-1964). Drawn in 1990 by Tobias Frere-Jones; now one of the co-owners of H&FJ.

I love how this face captures the orthogonals of the De Stijl movement, of which Rietveld’s famous Red Blue Chair was one of their icons.

Wish this Rietveld type were available somewhere.

Found via a book that I used to have – it vanished into a murky, dusty pile many, many years ago

One Response to “Rietveld: Interpreted as a font”

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by steve mehallo, James Saturnio II. James Saturnio II said: Rietveld: Interpreted as a font http://bit.ly/98ey5C […]

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