Eames fonts

‘Charles and Ray Eames did not design a typeface. They did, however, leave a philoshophical template for a font collection worthy of their name.’

House Industries has created Eames Century Modern – a rethinking of the original Century types – with a midcentury modern update. Details here.

3 Responses to “Eames fonts”

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by steve mehallo. steve mehallo said: new blog post: Eames fonts – http://mehallo.com/blog/archives/15790 […]

  2. I love , love, love beautiful typefaces…..thanks for find…..

  3. […] A new biography on Charles and Ray Eames is airing on PBS this week. Powerful and unflinching, more than just chairs. Playful optimism, powerful clients, amazing budgets, odd obsessions. Narrated by James Franco, titles feature the incredible Eames fonts. […]

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