Saul Bass in Sacramento

Located on the corner of 16th and Q Streets in Sacramento stands a colorful pole sculpture whose history is tied to that of legendary designer Saul Bass.

And back in 2006, former ADAC president Michael Kennedy dug up a ton of history/detail on the construct – which he compiled in an article for the club’s newsletter.

I’m reposting that article here.

Today, the sculpture is a nice punctuation for Sacramento’s coolest restaurant, Hot Italian. A study in stark black and white interior and graphic design, Hot Italian sits directly across the street.

Recently, I took some night shots.

3 Responses to “Saul Bass in Sacramento”

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by steve mehallo, markbean. markbean said: RT @mehallo: new blog post: Saul Bass in Sacramento – […]

  2. Saul Bass is my hero. I need to go stare at this for an hour now.

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