The Bunnies

Playboy Bunnies everywhere!

Above, scene shot in the London Playboy Club, from the film Purab Aur Pachhim (1970). Love the guy’s glasses, tho subtitles would be helpful (long conversation at the end, no idea what they’re saying).

Pink Lady and Jeff (1980) was (yet another) ill-conceived variety show on NBC. And in one episode, Hef showed up with Bunnies and walked his way thru a musical number:

Below, Rabbit Roulette: At a Playboy Club, from LIFE magazine, 1967.

Click on the image for a vintage Playboy Bunny photo gallery.

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  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by steve mehallo. steve mehallo said: new blog post: The Bunnies – […]

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