
‘A frightening, erotic and highly emotional film with fine cinematography.’ – David Wingrove

Genetic experimentation, perversion, mythical alraune (mandrake) root legend stuff, silent German cinema.

Alraune (1928). With Metropolis’ Brigitte Helm.

Watch it in its entirety/in sections on YouTube. Click to jump/watch.

Metropolis reinterpreted 3

Video for Madonna’s Express Yourself. Production design by Vance Lorenzini, inspired by Metropolis. Directed by David Fincher. From 1989.

Metropolis reinterpreted 2

Metropolis poster by Pietari Posti and Underware. 6-layered silkscreen print, 2008. Run of 100.

With glow-in-the-dark lettering.

Metropolis reinterpreted 1

Posters for Metropolis by Maelle De Bernardini. From 2002.

Metropolis visuals

Cinematography for Fritz Lang’s Metropolis (1927) was inspired by Paul Citroen’s 1923 Metropolis photomontage (above).

And so was Boris Bilinsky’s poster for the film (below).

Commercial artists took some liberties with how they created visual promotion for Metropolis – redrawing or recreating the ‘maschinenmensch’ (machine-man) and the modernist cityscapes. [Read more →]

McKnight Kauffer’s Metropolis

Metropolis by E. McKnight Kauffer. Gouache on paper, 1926.

Foreshadows Depero’s compositions, such as his view of New York – and his work for Campari.

Sacramento Metropolis, detail

The Greater Sacramento Metropolis by mehallo. Graphite on marker pen paper, 2002. Prints available here.


The work of Edgartista Gonzalez.

Fire tagging

‘Allegedly ‘the idea is to paint a tag and light it quickly before it dries,’ and we’d imagine a goal is to not set oneself or one’s surroundings on fire.’

Me thinks arson carries a bigger fine than tagging. But what do I know. Details here.

Found via Ashley Simko


Photograph by Tyler Shields.

‘If you want to stay alive, the speed limit is 45!’

They used to put these digital roadsigns out on Madison Avenue, on the median.

They had taunting sayings about driving safety. Generic ‘don’t drive drunk’ or ‘be aware’ messages.

Saw the officers out there smiling as they typed in all the snotty safety messages. They would get really clever about it too. Rhyming, plays on words.

Frankly, I know I (personally) can’t easily drive AND be cleverly scolded at the same time.

The signs were dangerous to drivers. Almost crashed a couple times trying to see what the next ‘safety verse’ would be. Madison is a really busy thoroughfare.

The last time I saw the signs in use, a small graffiti tag said:

‘Fuck Cops.’

Never saw the signs again after that.

Pictured, a hacked roadsign from somewhere else. More at Urlesque.

Creative Commons License

the work at the mehallo blog. beta. is licensed under a creative commons attribution - noncommercial - no derivative works 3.0 united states license.  if reposting, credit must be given to steve mehallo - and if possible, please provide a link back to the mehallo blog. beta.

i include images for the purpose of critique, review, promotion and inspiration - and always make my best effort give credit/link back to the original source.  if i’ve screwed up, please fire me a note.

page layout based on the wordpress 'darkwater theme' by antbag, adapted and redesigned by mehallo.  valuable php assistance from bill mead.