Atlantic City

‘Woke up to this view from my sweet suite in Atlantic City’

Photo by Jessica of The Veronicas.

Livia Soprano calls Sears

‘Is that how you talk to your mother?’

The mother of all mothers: Tony Soprano’s mom calls Sears.

Prank call by Camp Chaos. More here.

Happy Mother’s Day!

Mother’s Day in NYC

‘The only part of this week’s SNL worth watching’ – Gawker

Stefon and Mother’s Day. Click to watch/jump.

Found via Jeanne Mehallo

What I’ve learned on the street

Last Saturday, wandered over to the incredible SactoMoFo.

But what was more incredible was on walking back to the car, a girl on a bicycle drove by and I caught just a snippet of her conversation. It was a very basic explanation to her companion:

‘Chenis. It’s a penis made from cheese.’

‘We used to call people late at night’

‘Never alone’

Simon Russel’s Nothing to Fear.

Bin Laden is dead, the nation cheers

guest post by victoria arriaga

Is no one else disturbed by this?

I’m not talking about the possible fact that Bin Laden is dead; I mean the convenience of this information. What a load-off it must be for the GOP. After months of dealing with backlashes for stripping our rights one by one across the country, they now have a bit of a break while the population is nicely distracted. Don’t lose sight of the real problem our country if facing right now – within its own borders.

They talk about democracy and justice and all the while Republican Governors and officials across the country are working hard to get rid of collecting bargaining rights, to put in place officials who can dismiss mayors when they see fit, and to make it more difficult for people to register to vote. They are doing everything they can to ensure that the poor and powerless don’t have a say.

What saddens me most is that many of you don’t see it. You’re too busy watching the millionaire-owned news networks who spoonfeed you garbage to distract you from the very real things that are happening. [Read more →]

Everyday fear

I had a very interesting conversation this past week. It was with someone who (technically) is my boss.

Works over me, but our working relationship is more colleague than overloard, serb. And that’s refreshing.

I always seek out work situations where the relationship is more of a partnership in tackling a common goal. Usually with me as the design expert dude and the other person as the expert in what they do.

Our conversation was about fear.

Fear in people we work with. How it controls everything they do. And how obvious it is to us. And how frightened people are to attempt to do just about anything these days. [Read more →]

Fears, a list

guest post by alice woodruff

I am not without them myself, so here is a brief list of things which I am afraid of.

  I am terrified of the Tea Party and the fact that some people literally think they have the right idea.

  I am terrified that enormous international corporations have to be bailed out or the economy of an entire country could fail [AIG].

  I am terrified that colleges are literally encouraged to raise tuition rates to make up for the cuts in their funding from the federal government.

  I am terrified that Congressmen continue to get paid, and retain the right to increase their own salaries, while gas prices approach $5 and the unemployment rate in California [arguably the most affluent state in the Union] hovers around 10%.

  I am terrified by the ‘I am entitled to ___’ attitude I see from my own peers. [Read more →]

Social conditioning

‘A brief look at our sick society with Alanis Morissette’s 8 Easy Steps’

Found via Jeanne Mehallo


Found via Spanish Moss

Creative Commons License

the work at the mehallo blog. beta. is licensed under a creative commons attribution - noncommercial - no derivative works 3.0 united states license.  if reposting, credit must be given to steve mehallo - and if possible, please provide a link back to the mehallo blog. beta.

i include images for the purpose of critique, review, promotion and inspiration - and always make my best effort give credit/link back to the original source.  if i’ve screwed up, please fire me a note.

page layout based on the wordpress 'darkwater theme' by antbag, adapted and redesigned by mehallo.  valuable php assistance from bill mead.