10th Annual kickspit Underground Rock Festival

Modern Dog runs with it

A bit over 25 years ago, Modern Dog hit the Seattle music scene doing graphic design in a way it wasn’t supposed to be done. Hand drawn illustration, messy over the top typography, bright colors, goofy text. Humor!

What’s not to love?

You can fetch their book here. You may have seen their work for Blue Q (images below). Modern Dog website. I’ve also had some great conversations with co-owner Robynne Raye.

Been swapping recipes. Soup is good food.

Pioneers of Modern Typography

‘PMT was one of few if not the only band in Milwaukee to combine experimental music, costumes, cutting edge graphic design and performance.’ -Milwaukee Rock Posters

The Pioneers of Modern Typography (PMT) was a mid-1980s experimental art/performance rock band that incorporated graphic design history and theory into their work. The posters (pictured) were designed by John Luttropp and Frank Ullenberg. Scott Schanke also made up the group.

More posters here. Additional details about the band are posted at John Luttropp’s website here – with the promise of audio/visual to come.

Found via Ready for the House, shu and joe

Art Chantry, poster dude

Designer Art Chantry is the second generation rock poster guru who bridged the 1960s and has inspired (directly or indirectly) the current wave of artists.

His book is still floating around, here’s some images. Official site (with gallery link). Oakley sunglasses. And an interview. And another.


The year was 1977. And everything changed.

Found via Spike.

Cassettes tapes go USB

Finally, something us old school types have been waiting for:

As technology evolves, the tried and true Compact Cassette format is finally able to go beyond a mere 90 minutes recording time!

(Since 120s never quite worked anyway; they’d break after just a few plays)

MagneticNorth’s MIXA (pictured above) is a 1 gig memory stick in the shape of a cassette tape. Perfect for retro audiophiles and mix tapes, of course.

I want one. More info here. Blog here.

I really should dig out some of my old cassettes. I made some really weird ass labels in my day.

Image via Creative Review

Herbert Matter teaser

Matter Teaser from Herbert Matter on Vimeo

In the hopper right now is a film about the career of graphic designer Herbert Matter (1907-84). Slated for release Spring 2010, The Visual Language of Herbert Matter is a documentary by Reto Caduff.

Documentary info, bio and more here.

Documentary teaser (above), development drawings for Matter’s 1955 redesign of the New Haven Railroad logo (below):

NHRR logo development from Herbert Matter on Vimeo

For more about the New Haven Railroad project, visit here.

Found via twitter.com/saawan

The Cynic

Danish band Kashmir. With David Bowie.

Kashmir’s MySpace.

Right Here, Right Now

Ohhh, here’s that old Van Halen video with typography. Kinda like Mrs Eaves but totally different. From 1993.

More from Mrs Eaves

Interview over at Australian Edge.

Here’s some shots of the grenade project.

Mrs Eaves goes to Berlin

Video (above) of Gemma O’Brien – aka Mrs Eaves – in Berlin for the 14th European Design Conference, TYPO Berlin 2009.

Her original viral video, Write here, right now, is below:

‘Part of a campaign to promote writing on designated graffiti spaces rather than someone elses property. Would you write all over your property?’ -Mrs Eaves

Visit Mrs Eaves’ blog here. Twitter here.

Creative Commons License

the work at the mehallo blog. beta. is licensed under a creative commons attribution - noncommercial - no derivative works 3.0 united states license.  if reposting, credit must be given to steve mehallo - and if possible, please provide a link back to the mehallo blog. beta.

i include images for the purpose of critique, review, promotion and inspiration - and always make my best effort give credit/link back to the original source.  if i’ve screwed up, please fire me a note.

page layout based on the wordpress 'darkwater theme' by antbag, adapted and redesigned by mehallo.  valuable php assistance from bill mead.