London 2012

‘How Lisa Simpson got ahead at the Olympics’

This has been floating around for a while. London 2012. Lisa Simpson. Blow job. Article.

Nakkid Axe shower commercial

Banned in the USA. Of course.

Found via Nickish

Dave Allen: Sit down comedian, storyteller

Dave Allen at Large show opening with sketches; theme music by Alan Hawkshaw

I grew up fascinated by comedy and comedians. One of the first from the UK that invaded my telly was Irish comedian Dave Allen. Allen had a comedy show on the BBC. And he simply sat there and told stories – with some short sketches thrown in.

Topics (his words): ‘Life, Death, Drinking, Religion and the English.’

The animated title design and music (developed in 1972, seen above) was really cool. The BBC would do wonderful things with title design. Even if the show didn’t have a budget to think of.

Here’s some highlights from a Dave Allen series from the 1990s:



Post Offices


Excellent interview with Stephen Fry

Part 1

Last week, Craig Ferguson did a sitdown with the brilliant Stephen Fry. Craig was sans audience, and both had a great conversation about comedy and life.

I’d say I share Fry’s views on profanity. Check out Part 3, around 5:40ish in.

If you haven’t, check out Fry’s performance in Wilde (1997).

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Lily Allen: Fuck you very much

Lily Allen’s Fuck You, from album It’s Not You It’s Me.

And, here’s the FU2 remix ep.

The profanity ban in California

From George Carlin: Again! (1978)

The California State Assembly recently passed a ‘cuss-free week’ resolution.

If it passes the Senate/Governator, the first week of March will therefore be referred to as a Statewide Cuss Free Week.

With State workers losing their jobs, all kinds of shit blowing their way, this is what our politicians are concentrating on. The evils, evils of profanity.

Supporters also have a website. With stuff you can buy from them.

the other side
In protest of this silly declaration (note that is is a resolution, not a law), an event on Facebook was created to celebrate the first week of March as ‘Fuck Week.’ No nastiness, no intimidation, just  . . .  swear as much as you like. Use your profanity for good. Not evil.

my take
I don’t have a problem with ‘Dirty Words.’ Bullying, peer pressure, bad use of the Trajan font – yeah, problematic. But profanity, no.

I actually think it’s really weird that human beings have decided that certain words in the English language are soo unmentionable that we must censor them for our own protection.

And those words’ meanings – aren’t so bad. Reproduction and bodily functions. Crude, but not bad. Murder, Genocide, Torture, HMOs Deciding Who Lives and Dies: far worse.

Image posted by Barb Hennelly to her Facebook group, ‘I drop F bombs in my status updates’

I’m going to do my part for Fuck Week by spreading a bit of silly profanity on my blog. Because – last I checked (the internets aren’t regulated as much as tee vee and radio be), I still fucking can.

If you’re offended, that’s not my intent. Again, there’s a lot of other offensive non-profane language and actions in the world.

And you can catch that stuff – uncensored – on regular tee vee anytime you want.

Deep Play

Deep Play. By Fancie. Featuring Keeley Brinemann. MySpace here.

Found via Chelsea Wolfe

Fonte des Meltdèles

Images by Petra Cortright.

Blog here. Interview here. MySpace here. Plus, check out her sparkling videos here.

Very basic tools, intriguing results.

Found via today and tomorrow

TYPEFACE: Font design based on actual faces

‘TYPEFACE is a piece of custom software that translates facial dimensions into generative type design.’

By CIID student Mary Huang. Check out this detailed article at PSFK.

‘The Geeks Were Right’

The Geeks Were Right by The Faint.


‘Lakshmi Menon, Jacquelyn Jablonski, and Kori Richardson go straight for the AquaNet in this acid-washed, studded leather ode to the 80s cult film Heavy Metal Parking Lot.’

Directed by Stephen Smith, creative direction and styling by Yuki James.

Alphabet Pony by The Kills. Editorial shots in V magazine, available March 5.

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the work at the mehallo blog. beta. is licensed under a creative commons attribution - noncommercial - no derivative works 3.0 united states license.  if reposting, credit must be given to steve mehallo - and if possible, please provide a link back to the mehallo blog. beta.

i include images for the purpose of critique, review, promotion and inspiration - and always make my best effort give credit/link back to the original source.  if i’ve screwed up, please fire me a note.

page layout based on the wordpress 'darkwater theme' by antbag, adapted and redesigned by mehallo.  valuable php assistance from bill mead.