Robert Urich postage stamp

The work of Grace Kang.

Also, check out her downloadable Neutraface poster (scroll down to see).


Misunderstood genius or fool? Or a little bit of both.

I’ve actually been a fan of David Lee Roth since high school. Just deal with it.

With a friend, we used to do DLR music video comic strip parodies in our high school newspaper. We called him David Lee Broth and changed lyrics to be all about food. ‘Just a Buffalo’ instead of ‘Just a Gigolo.’

And you know, I do think Dave’s part genius – with a bit of the foolish side dancing around what works/what’s public opinion/where his next career move will be.

Pictured in this post are highlights from Dave’s sketchbook, which can now be seen at his rather sparse website. The art bounces thru a few genres, as is his thing. [Read more →]

Virtue: Typographic comic book

‘comic books that use typography in place of imagery as the primary method of storytelling’

James Pannafino is working on producing a unique type-only comic book and is seeking funding thru Kickstarter. Website/more details here.

Found via James Saturnio

Mistakes New Parents Make

All parents make mistakes. Don’t believe it? Just think about your own parents. You will no doubt come up with a laundry list of things they did wrong.The truth is no one is infallible — especially new parents. But if you know the 10 most common parenting mistakes, maybe you can keep from making them yourself. So here they are, along with tips to help you avoid making them.

New-parent mistake No. 1: Panicking over anything and everything.

“Many new parents have overblown physical reactions to spitting up, vomiting, and other things a baby does,” says Leon Hoffman, MD, director of the Pacella Parent Child Center in New York. ”And the baby picks up on that anxiety.”

Hoffman says parents can waste the entire first year of their baby’s life by worrying about the small stuff. Is he having too many bowel movements or too few? Is she spitting up too much? Is she getting enough to eat or too little? Does he cry too much or not enough? Any of that sound familiar to you?”This worry gets in the way of being spontaneous and enjoying your infant’s first year of life,” Hoffman says. “Babies are far more resilient than we give them credit for.”

New-parent mistake No. 2: Not letting your infant cry it out.

“We, as parents, think our job is to make sure the baby is not crying,” says pediatric nurse Jennifer Walker, RN. “That’s because we associate crying with the fact that we are doing something wrong and we need to fix it,” she says. “Babies are designed to cry. They can be perfectly diapered and fed and still cry like you are pulling an arm off.” Because that’s the way babies communicate. It doesn’t mean you can’t console or cuddle them.

For the most part, crying is just part of being a baby. But if your infant is inconsolable for an hour and has a fever, rash, vomiting, a swollen belly, or anything else unusual, call your pediatrician as soon as possible. You know your baby best. If you think something isn’t right, always check with your doctor.

New-parent mistake No. 3: Waking your baby up to breastfeed.

“Breastfed babies can — and should — sleep through the night,” Walker says. ”But there’s a common misconception that breast milk is not thick enough to get an infant through the night. But it is possible and beneficial for breastfed babies — and their moms — to sleep through the night.”

New-parent mistake No. 4: Confusing spit-up and vomit.

Walker says, “The difference [between spit-up and vomit] is frequency, not forcefulness. Spit-up can absolutely fly across the room.” But vomiting is all about frequency. “If your baby is vomiting with a gastrointestinal virus,” she says, “it will come every 30 or 45 minutes regardless of feeding.” Spit-up, on the other hand, is usually related to feeding.

New-parent mistake No. 5: Not sweating a fever in a newborn.

“Any fever over 100.4 rectally in the first 3 months of a baby’s life is an emergency,” Walker says. The one exception is a fever that develops within 24 hours after an infant’s first set of immunizations.

“Some parents may just say ‘he feels warm’ and give the baby Tylenol,” Walker says. “But that’s a parenting mistake in this age group. An infant’s immune system is not set up to handle an infection on its own.”

Matches, Acne

The work of Neil Watson.

Found via The Strange Attractor

Tina Fey types

From BUST magazine, Spring 2004.

Scrabble: The Beautiful Word

Above: Scrabble ad created by Irina Dakeva and Clément Dozier of Wizz for Ogilvy Paris.

Part of Scrabble’s ‘the Beautiful Word’ campaign. More videos (and details) here.

And here’s two more (below), created by Mathieu Lafontaine and Didier Tovel (aka C4) of Apollo.

Mostly 2 letter Scrabble words

My wife is a Scrabble phenom. And one of her hush-hush strategies is the legal two letter words one can use in play.

For one of my specimens for my Chandler 42 fonts (above), she created a connected word chart listing these and a few others.


How are you going to decorate your jail cell?

Found via Brian Hoff, via Frank Chimero, GOOD magazine

Top o the world

Found via Martin Klasch


Lonesome Road: Dean Elliott & His Big Band

Birds absolutely LOVE Dean Elliot‘s 1962 track, Lonesome Road. Cluck always sings along.

Photos by mehallo

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the work at the mehallo blog. beta. is licensed under a creative commons attribution - noncommercial - no derivative works 3.0 united states license.  if reposting, credit must be given to steve mehallo - and if possible, please provide a link back to the mehallo blog. beta.

i include images for the purpose of critique, review, promotion and inspiration - and always make my best effort give credit/link back to the original source.  if i’ve screwed up, please fire me a note.

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