entries Tagged as [illustration]

‘Where (no one has gone before)’

‘Kirk and Spock are wearing Meadham Kirchoff and Alexander McQueen; Kirk has an additional Shipley & Halmos jacket and that black piece over Spock’s dress is from Gucci. I think the redshirts are all wearing Fendi and Miss Sixty.’

Star Trek re-fashioned by Annie Wu.

Orzechowski letters Star Wars

‘Orzechowski modeled his lettering on the Flash Gordon newspaper strips of the 1930s. Another influence was Robert Crumb’s Zap Comix: Orzechowski recognized that Crumb’s title work was clearly derived from the brush techniques of that same era, the 1920s and 30s.’ –Wiki

One of the first times I really became aware of hand lettering in comic books came with Marvel Comics’ 1977 Star Wars movie adaptation. From issue #2 thru #5, the lettering had this smooth, compact quality to it. With cool titles up top.

Behind the scenes was lettering artist Tom Orzechowski – working for the Mighty Marvel Bullpen. [Read more →]

Save us Salaryman Man!

‘My ex-girlfriend warned me not to mess with Salaryman Man.’

Maybe we’re looking at this whole big business capitalism world economy meltdown thing all wrong.

And maybe I just don’t know how to use my business cards the way Salaryman Man does.

Found via Jamie DeVriend

Gonick’s Cartoon History

RSA’s new animated lectures remind me of Larry Gonick’s wonderful Cartoon History of the Universe series.

Gonick’s been working on these since the 1970s. I have a few of his original comic book editions. In the 1990s, he even licensed an interactive CD ROM version – with panels animated directly from his book, plus detailed 3D animated history lectures. Unfortunately, this CD adventure will not run on my computer today.

Wanna get caught up on history? Start here.

Larry Gonick’s official site here.

World changing: What could be next?

‘Renowned academic David Harvey asks if it is time to look beyond capitalism towards a new social order that would allow us to live within a system that really could be responsible, just, and humane?’

Dr. Harvey defines our world financial problems from a Marxist perspective – with cartoon illustrations by Andrew Park.

He asks the right question, but the problem does need an answer.

Part of the RSA Animate series of lectures.

Where are we now?

‘Dan Perjovschi is a visual artist mixing drawing, cartoon and graffiti in artistic pieces drawn directly on the walls of museums and contemporary at spaces all over the world. Lives and works in Bucharest.’

The work of Dan Perjovschi. Newspaper sources with drawings. Details.

Reverse View

‘The installation consists of a paint-bucket and a reversed, continuous world map cut from polyester-coated aluminium.’

This piece by Jørgen Craig Lello and Tobias Arnell illustrate the disconnect. See more of their work here.

Aside from the breasts, ‘Reverse View’ is one of the main images used for The 28th Biennial of Graphic Arts in Slovenia.

What is love?

‘A Quoi ça sert l’Amour – un Film de Louis Clichy’

Today was my wife’s b-day.

We had dinner at Stockton Joe’s, almost got hit in a crosswalk by a gang banger who yelled at us for being in his way, looked at expensive things we can’t afford at Dillard’s, sat in a lot of horrible traffic and later, ate pistachio gelato at Hot Italian in Sacramento.

We had fun.

New York, 1999

Illustration by Louis Biedermann for Joseph Pulitzer’s The New York World, December 1900. Details.

Bad Religion: Skyscraper (acoustic)

NYC, the view from 1881

Another comment from Thomas Nast.

‘I like Ike’

‘I’m totally voting for Eisenhower now.’ -posted comment

From the 1952 election.

Best political comment I’ve read this season comes from one of my students, Ashley:

‘NEWS FLASH: It’s 2010. You know what’s NOT a big deal? Smoking pot. Or being gay. Or women and brown people in politics. Can we all just acknowledge this already, or would you like a little more time to camp out in 1950?’

Found via Jamie DeVriend

Creative Commons License

the work at the mehallo blog. beta. is licensed under a creative commons attribution - noncommercial - no derivative works 3.0 united states license.  if reposting, credit must be given to steve mehallo - and if possible, please provide a link back to the mehallo blog. beta.

i include images for the purpose of critique, review, promotion and inspiration - and always make my best effort give credit/link back to the original source.  if i’ve screwed up, please fire me a note.

page layout based on the wordpress 'darkwater theme' by antbag, adapted and redesigned by mehallo.  valuable php assistance from bill mead.