entries Tagged as [illustration]

Fabulous Cheesecake

New York’s ‘most fabulous.’ Illustrated by Katie Evans.

Junior’s website here.

Drawing every building in New York

‘It starts to feel a bit like TETRIS’

Australian James Gulliver Hancock is drawing every building in NYC. But it’s a bit more than that. Blog here.

In the video (at bottom) he explains his approach.

Found via Flavorwire

‘What did you buy today?’

‘Beginning on February 5, 2006, Kate has drawn an item that she purchased every day’

The work of Kate Bingaman Burt.

Tumblr blog here, original blog here. Website here. Book here.

Found via Lindsay’s Blog-o-Design

Dr Pepper’s (original) secret formula (maybe)

‘Poking through antiques stores while traveling through the Texas Panhandle, Bill Waters stumbled across a tattered old ledger book filled with formulas.’

The Dr Pepper company says this ain’t it. Others think otherwise.

The formula in the ‘Castles’ ledger purchased by Bill Waters contains (among legible ingredients) ‘gentian root, sweet flag root, mandrake root, wahoo bark, cinnamon bark, cardamom, coriander, cloves, diluted alcohol, syrup, glycerin’ and is labeled, ‘D Peppers Pepsin Bitters.’

Like another pharmacy invention, Coca-Cola, Dr Pepper’s secret flavoring formula is the subject of much conjecture.

Time frame and location are all right. More info here and here.

The ‘D Peppers Pepsin Bitters’ page from ‘Castles Formulas’

The birthplace of Dr Pepper: Morrison’s Old Corner Drugstore, Waco, TX

1960 advertisement (top) found via Jon Williamson

‘If pigs could fly’

Pink Floyd’s Pigs (Three Different Ones).

Floyd’s pig history here. Snag a shirt here or here.

Nu Amsterdam Piggly

3 little pigs shirts. By Nu Amsterdam Apparel.

‘Make Jobs,’ still free

Former student takes design class. Former student notices my work in his textbook. Sends me an email. Photo, above.

Mike Dunkl spotted my 2003 ‘Make Jobs Not War’ poster in his copy of Design Basics: 8th Edition – with some academic text explaining how my visual works (below). Aside from the pencil illustration, I lifted the gothic type directly from a 1912 American Type Founders specimen book. (The green color means ‘money,’ btw) (And there are two ls in ‘mehallo’)

In 2003, jobs were drying up and we were about to go to war on some really flimsy evidence. I felt I had to say something, so I did. My poster – among others – became available for free download at Another Poster For Peace.

At the time, anti-war statements were not the popular thing. Though for me, it was the right thing to do. When the war started, I was following a young Iraqi’s ‘live from Baghdad’ blog up until he stopped posting. Never knew what happened to him – another innocent lost to history.

I still stand behind my poster. Evidence of why we ended up in Iraq in the first place has turned out to be far more flimsy than imagined  . . .  and today, we’re still at war. And the jobs have simply gone away.

Lenka, Heart Skips

Video for Lenka’s Heart Skips a Beat.

Shadows, diamonds, black salt

The work of Justin M. Maller.

Found via Cretique

Emma’s fair trade love

Emma Watson continues her ‘eco clothing’ collaboration with People Tree.

More info here and here.

New items below, click to view/jump. The rest of the collection drops February 28.


Marian’s Valentines

Fresh from my mailbox: A set of Valentines from the great Marian Bantjes.

And if you haven’t already, be sure to snag her incredible I Wonder.

Creative Commons License

the work at the mehallo blog. beta. is licensed under a creative commons attribution - noncommercial - no derivative works 3.0 united states license.  if reposting, credit must be given to steve mehallo - and if possible, please provide a link back to the mehallo blog. beta.

i include images for the purpose of critique, review, promotion and inspiration - and always make my best effort give credit/link back to the original source.  if i’ve screwed up, please fire me a note.

page layout based on the wordpress 'darkwater theme' by antbag, adapted and redesigned by mehallo.  valuable php assistance from bill mead.