entries Tagged as [design]

Vuvuzeliphone Prototype #1

Erik van Blokland‘s solution for obsolete iPhones.

Reid Miles, jazzy

‘Every now then, as you stumble through design history, you trip over and fall on your ass.’

Alex Charchar takes a look at the incredible work of Reid Miles. Article here.

(and psst: click on the album covers for MP3 purchasing options.)

Joe Henderson: Jinrikisha


The work of Dilill. Creative blog here, Twitter here.

‘There is No Why’

The work of Alida Rosie Sayer, now on exhibition in London.

Articles here and here. Blog here.

‘Tell No One’

Short video experiment by Erdinç Kalyoncu.

Viewable on Facebook only (login required), click to view/jump.

Found via Reza Abedini

Lily, Mark II

‘2000 people from around the UK were filmed singing The Fear for this promo for Lily Allen which was part of an Xbox Sing it with Lips game campaign.’

Found via exspiro

Creativity decline

‘For the first time, research shows that American creativity is declining. What went wrong – and how we can fix it.’

Great article in Newsweek. Read it here.

I have my own take, which has to do with how difficult it actually is to be creative. How society does its best to discourage and strip creativity from us so we can be good worker bees. Sit down, shut up and do your job.

what is creativity
As the article mentions: ‘To be creative requires divergent thinking (generating many unique ideas) and then convergent thinking (combining those ideas into the best result).’

Today, divergent thinking is often discouraged – but if it does take place, it can be so divergent, it can’t be implemented as a convergent – or coherent – plan.

And at the college level, I’m at ground zero teaching this stuff.

Sometimes it creates wonders, sometimes it only goes halfway. Other times, it’s so frightening to attempt something new  . . .  creativity finds itself at a standstill. The work veers back into mediocrity. Because that’s safe.

Pictured above: The incredible work of Graham Roumieu, visit his portfolio site here. Twas more creative than the trite crayon flag that came with the Newsweek article. Found via swissmiss. Article found via Adam Helweh.


‘Momento repetido, Intersticio impalpable, Formas sinuosas, Insignias a tus aventuras, Momento contemplativo.’

The work of Alexander Cano.

Flickr here, website here.

Depeche Mode: Precious

Found via beauty comma

Lion in a Coma

Unofficial video by Ori Toor for Animal Collective’s Lion in a Coma.

Found via Zachariah Moreno

Cohen, Masareel

‘Tho all the maps of blood and flesh are posted on the door, theres no one who has told us yet what Boogie Street is for.’

Animation by cronogeo, featuring late 1920s woodcuts by ‘image novelist’ Franz Masareel (1889-1972).

Was recently reading about Masareel in David Berona’s beautiful edition, Wordless Books: The Original Graphic Novels.

Found via Oded Ezer, Belkind Scheps Osnat

Sten and Lex

Also from Monsieur Bandit, a look at the incredible work of Italian street artists Sten and Lex.

Article here, video above. Flickr page here.

Creative Commons License

the work at the mehallo blog. beta. is licensed under a creative commons attribution - noncommercial - no derivative works 3.0 united states license.  if reposting, credit must be given to steve mehallo - and if possible, please provide a link back to the mehallo blog. beta.

i include images for the purpose of critique, review, promotion and inspiration - and always make my best effort give credit/link back to the original source.  if i’ve screwed up, please fire me a note.

page layout based on the wordpress 'darkwater theme' by antbag, adapted and redesigned by mehallo.  valuable php assistance from bill mead.