April in Paris
‘one more time’
BBC bird-filled animated version of Count Basie’s version of April in Paris (1957) – the song that just wouldn’t end.
‘one more time’
BBC bird-filled animated version of Count Basie’s version of April in Paris (1957) – the song that just wouldn’t end.
‘Depero Futuristi is a team at Carnegie Mellon University’s Entertainment Technology Center re-imagining Balli Plastici, the ‘plastic dance’ created by Italian Futurist Fortunato Depero in 1918.’
More info here.
Copies of the final project are available for educational/promotional purposes, contact the team for details.
Cover design by El Lissitzky for Roget Ginzburger’s Frankreich (France) 1929.
From Neues Bauen in der Welt, a book series on modern architecture published in Vienna.
Below, recent release by Brooklyn-based Dream Diary, El Lissitzky.
Dream Diary: El Lissitzky
‘video del robot madison de antonia font’
‘These photographs were taken using Kodachrome film by the improbably and wonderfully named Chalmers Butterfield, probably in 1949.’
Click on the images for larger images/zoom features/jump.
DJ Munoz/London Calling: You Drive Me Crazy (Yellow Drill Remix)
Images found via Peter Serafinowicz