entries Tagged as [cinema]

On The Run

Video for the Jeffrey Campbell Fall/Winter collection. Directed by Andrea Cruz.


The Big Lebowski: The Fucking Short Version. Two fucking minutes, fifteen seconds.

Found via Robert F Boord

Hillsdale Cinema, revisited

Across from Hillsdale Shopping Center in San Mateo, California was the Hillsdale Cinema. These are snapshots I took in 1997, before the building became something else.

Saw Superman: The Movie and The Wrath of Khan there on opening days. And for awhile, it was dang easy to sneak in; buy one ticket, watch for ushers, then let friends in thru the side door. The Hillsdale was part of the General Cinema chain.

Great article on GC’s history here.

Below, 1964 concept drawings of General Cinema’s modernist theatres. Direct or not, there is a Herbert Matter influence in the type picks.

More GC images here and here.

And I can’t forget General’s famous snap-yer-fingers bumpers.

Drawings found via Pleasant Valley Shopping

bounce house demons

Another video by Chelsea Wolfe. Featuring Jessalyn Wakefield.

Merry Oldsmobile 2

‘Cleavage, surrealism, and jaunty music – Yep, it’s a Fleischer cartoon!’ -IMDB user review

Before Betty Boop and Popeye: 1932 advertisement for Oldsmobile from the great Fleischer animation studio.

With nifty sing-along, bouncing ball animated lettering.

Lust, murder, dessert

Books can ‘have you change your mind when you’re not looking.’

Michael Gambon, Helen Mirren, Ciarán Hinds, Tim Roth in Peter Greenaway’s The COOK The THIEF His WIFE & Her LOVER. Costumes designed by Jean-Paul Gaultier. From 1989.

Not easily available on DVD – the entire film is viewable in segments on YouTube. Click the above image to watch/jump.

Extremely disturbing, yet brilliant. Reminiscent of a typical holiday dinner with the family.

Ralph Lauren 4D

‘The world’s first 4-dimensional experience featuring 3D imagery, digital sound effects and scents from Ralph Lauren fragrances.’

On November 10, Ralph Lauren celebrated the 10 year anniversary of its website with new media ‘feasts’ at its retail flagships in London (above) and New York (below).

‘Making of’ video here.

Found via Jake Favour

‘Escape from Comic Sans’

B-movie typography eCards, designed by Will Staehle for TDC. Go here.

And check out Will Staehle’s website here.

Found via Ilene Strizver

‘The sweet iced tea will never stop’

Video by Tyler Shields. Featuring Alessandra Torresani and Matt Dallas.

And Tyler Shields.

And on a somewhat related note, NBC is on the fence regarding canceling Caprica – the prequel to the brilliant Battlestar Galactica – where Torresani plays The First Cylon.

Because NBC is really good at canceling all the good shows.

These days, I’m really missing Brandon Tartikoff. He was incredible at giving low rated/great shows a chance.

people’s choice
And  . . .  Give Caprica another chance here. Vote!

one more
And more news this week: Yet another Battlestar Galactica spin off may be on the table.

Banned masterpieces: Desert of Forbidden Art

‘How does art survive in a time of oppression? During the Soviet rule artists who stay true to their vision are executed, sent to mental hospitals or Gulags. Igor Savitsky  . . .  pretends to buy state-approved art but instead daringly rescues 40,000 forbidden fellow artist’s works and creates a museum in the desert of Uzbekistan, far from the watchful eyes of the KGB.’

Trailer for The Desert of Forbidden Art (above). More info about the film here.

my take
In my design history class, it’s always a shock when I show how strongly the Nazis reacted to modern art. Just the concept that ‘art can be dangerous’ – so dangerous that the artists must be killed – seems so distant. Yet in the news today, book burnings have become a common topic. Just like the Nazis. Again.

Art and ideas are often dangerous to individuals who have the intense need to control other people. What they say and do. Who they associate with, what they read, how they think, or love.

As someone who champions free speech – I find the concept of book (or art) banning (or burning) thoroughly disgusting.

Not looking forward to election day this year.

Trailer found via Ai Buenafe


‘Based on a public call for artists  . . .  This (open source) 15 minute film has been realized in the studio of the Amsterdam Blender Institute by an international team of artists and developers. It is the third Blender Open Movie Project.’

Powerful film.

Brings back heavy memories of a parrot we had named Caslon (1995-6), who died because I was cooking dinner using a cheap clay pot I bought in SF Chinatown. The cookware had a dubious glaze on it that released something into the air. Two love birds named Mutt and Geoff also died. Been leery of what I cook with ever since.

And we keep our current parrot – Cluck Cluck – far away from the kitchen.

Found via Felicia Day

Creative Commons License

the work at the mehallo blog. beta. is licensed under a creative commons attribution - noncommercial - no derivative works 3.0 united states license.  if reposting, credit must be given to steve mehallo - and if possible, please provide a link back to the mehallo blog. beta.

i include images for the purpose of critique, review, promotion and inspiration - and always make my best effort give credit/link back to the original source.  if i’ve screwed up, please fire me a note.

page layout based on the wordpress 'darkwater theme' by antbag, adapted and redesigned by mehallo.  valuable php assistance from bill mead.