I love a good car chase. Short by Michael Chaves.
I love a good car chase. Short by Michael Chaves.
Herbie: The Love Bug (1968) was da bomb when I was a kid.
Had the story album (above) and the first two films were set in San Francisco (that was cool). Herbie Rides Again (1974) had Helen Hayes in a funky Cable Car thing and I remember that Stefanie Powers was super cute.
Had posters, toys, tiny cars (that I’d take to the mechanic to fix when I broke them. Really). And I once got in trouble for painting a 53 on my mom’s old Volkswagen hatchback (I didn’t care that it wasn’t a beetle. It had a VW on it). I didn’t stop there, I did something similar to a neighbor’s new Lincoln Town Car lift kit project for which I got in way more trouble for.
Here’s the website of the ultimate Herbie fan (and Disney employee) Hugh Chitwood. Found these funky images (below) at his site; they were used as promos for the Fully Loaded (2005) Lohan/Justin Long/Michael Keaton/NASCAR comeback.
Not bad for a car that was originally designed by dis guy.
1932 sketch for the Volkswagen, the ‘car of the people’
For more VW history, go here.
For more Herbie, go here (and follow the links at the bottom of the page).
George Bruns: Love Bug Theme
‘In the 70s they called it war paint’ -Sven Voelker
A look at the graphic design of racing cars – an overview of the new book by Sven Voelker, Go Faster. Article and video here.
Over 2,500 logos. And six years to make.
Congratulations to Nicolas Schmerkin, François Alaux, Herve de Crecy, Ludovic Houplain and their team for winning the 2010 Best Animated Short Film Oscar for Logorama.
Watch the actual film above. Website here.
Snag your own downloadable copy of the film at the iTunes store – where it’s going for just a couple of bucks.
Logorama is a riveting French look at American consumerism (and film making).
‘Boobs, tongues, and a poem by Sappho about some ancient hanky-panky’ –Refinery29
It’s been a wonderful week. Even joined an anti-censorship group on Facebook. But frankly, Fuck Week inevitability has to come to an end. For my last Fuck Week fucking post, I’m including a fucking link to a blurg about the wonderfully irreverent FashionFUCK Magazine.
Great fucking blog too.
If I wasn’t profane enough this week, there are others who take things a lot farther. One example is Northern Ireland’s very own wonder, Crazy Colours. You can follow her on Twitter or Tumblr or read her blog. Great humor, no censor. REAL person.
And btw, that’s not her in the nude pictures in this post. This is her here:
As for me, gonna go wash my mouth for a bit.
‘Nope, it’s not French Connection United Kingdom. It’s plain and simply Fuck.’ –Between the Cracks magazine
Jewelry by Steven Shein.
The video for She Wants Revenge’s These Things. Featuring the always incredible Shirley Manson.
Found via Amber Rose