Memorable, local commercial spots from long ago.
Dubious video/sound quality. But that’s how I remember them. Denevi’s locations (above), as jingle, just stuck in one’s head like . . . paste.
The story of Maurice “Ed” Barbara (above) actually ended up on NBC’s Unsolved Mysteries, fall 1989.
No matter what one would buy at Steven Matthew David’s ‘Top-of-the-Hill-Daily-City’ electronics store, one would get a free bike. Not sure why, but hell, it was a FREE BIKE.
Paul was The Master of the Shit-Eating Grin.
Pete Ellis knew van conversions had something to do with sex. He also knew one would remember his address if children sang it. This video is the So Cal version of the commercial, the Nor Cal jingle simply had a different sing-along address (which we all knew): ‘1095 West El Camino Real, Sunny-Vale.’
We have two dogs. We rescued them from situations that weren’t so good. Kira is the light brown one, Biene is the poodle.
This week they’re not getting along. Biene has been pooping in Kira’s bed. And the emotional response from Kira – she’s really upset about it – is overwhelming.
They’re both quite crazy.
Something weird happened between now and the 1970s. Vanilla turned brown. Or beige. Or something like that.
I remember Shasta Creme Soda used to come in a metallic blue can. A lot like their cola can, but more of a turquoise blue. To find something vanilla, all one had to do was look for the blue packaging. It was a design standard.
Joyva Halvah (above) still gets it. They still use their old can design.
Vanilla was blue. Something happened and it isn’t anymore.