‘Why you should know your shit’
Above, a look at how inspiration from multiple sources work better than tunnel vision. And design school tends to help with this.
Good design influences are everywhere. Ignoring it is like cutting off a limb. Or two.
Illustration by Jessica Hische. Click to view larger/jump.
‘Vi hart is the creator of fun math-based craft/drawing videos shown in time-lapse with her own narration.’
Website here.
Video doodles (above) led to the 3d-printed Apollonian gasket, below.
Found via Odedadali
‘Sir Ken Robinson makes an entertaining and profoundly moving case for creating an education system that nurtures (rather than undermines) creativity.’
Traditional education is set up to suck creativity out of us; discourage independent thought. Teaches us to follow many procedures, many rules.
And I see the results of this every day that I’m in a classroom. By the time students get to the college level, creativity is often simply turned off. Ken Robinson addresses this (above) – the importance of making mistakes – and more.
‘This animate was adapted from a talk given at the RSA by Sir Ken Robinson, world-renowned education and creativity expert’
Another RSA Animate. Illustrated by Andrew Park.
Found via Robynne Raye
Available at Dave Eggers’ Superhero Supply Store in Brooklyn. Which is really just a front for 826NYC.
TED Prize talk below.
Found via theclickclickpress
‘Filmed with my Super 8 camera in the 80s when Kim Carnes first recorded her hit recording of Bette Davis Eyes’
A revisualization of Kim Carnes’ Bette Davis Eyes. From 1981.