Kilian Eng is DW Design. Illustrator, graphic designer, musician and animator working out of Stockholm. The design is pure 1979; even down to the faded colors – which in 1979, weren’t so faded.
This is his MySpace page. Eng, along with Amir Zaino, make up the electronic duo DW, which they describe as ‘Hip-pop-house through pink italo shades.’
Interview here. Check out their tracks on MySpace here.
In 1979, I had a small paperback called How to Draw Robots – it was one of the books that taught me illustration technique. I’d say Eng really nails it.
‘The Star Wars Holiday Special is one of the most infamous television programs in history. And it’s so bad that it actually comes around to good again, but passes it right up.’ -Ralph Garman, voice actor, The Family Guy
I remember – as a kid – watching this in some sort of zombie-like shock. The Star Wars Holiday Special aired Friday night, November 17, 1978. Only once. It’s become a nerd cult classic. Lucasfilm would like to just . . . pretend it never happened.
Features the original movie cast, Bea Arthur, Jefferson Starship, the original aired commercials (not edited out; note that they used to air less commercials back then) and a not-so-bad first-ever-appearance of Boba Fett animated bit.
Sit back, it’s just under two unwatchable hours long.
Happy holidays!
‘Video for Beautiful Day for the U2 360° tour by Michael Paul Young’
More details at Planetary Folklore. Paul Michael Young is also the guy behind the scenes at YouWorkForThem.
40th Anniversary Woodstock tribute poster tied to a west coast music festival.
This was a collaborative project I designed with psychedelic light show legend George Holden. His liquid light backgrounds, my illustration and lettering.
doug’s tour
This fall, Oklahoma City-based photographer Doug Schwarz followed LA-based band Normandie on tour. And I just happen to be designing for Normandie.
Normandie is a side project of theSTART – or another way to look at it, Doug also followed theSTART on tour because Normandie just happened to be in the same vehicle. Follow that? Hope so.
So it was fun when Doug pinged me and said he got my poster signed by everyone he talked to. It’s now part of his Wall of Inspiration (above); the signed poster (below).
This year I also designed some tees for Normandie. They can be snagged via the new online Normandie store here. They’re running a holiday special too (details on page). One can also order a poster. [Read more →]
‘The images are captured in various means using a scanner as the camera. Experimenting with choreographed motion, I’m exploiting visual anomalies unique to kinetic scanning.’ -Dan
Sacramento-based Dan Herrera experiments. Every time I check in he’s doing something cool. For these, he’s been modifying a scanner with a custom-made piece of glass (as lens, extending the range of the scanner) . . . more here.
It’s like Muybridge has come full circle. Back to basics with new tech.
‘TeuxDeux is a simple, designy, free, browser-based to-do app.’
A collaborative product from swissmiss and Fictive Kin. And it’s FREE.
Demo video above. Grab it here.