Available at Dave Eggers’ Superhero Supply Store in Brooklyn. Which is really just a front for 826NYC.
TED Prize talk below.
Found via theclickclickpress
Available at Dave Eggers’ Superhero Supply Store in Brooklyn. Which is really just a front for 826NYC.
TED Prize talk below.
Found via theclickclickpress
Action Comics No. 1 as ‘covered’ by illustrator Tom Addison.
More comic book ‘covers’ here. The original Action No. 1, below.
Metropolis poster by Pietari Posti and Underware. 6-layered silkscreen print, 2008. Run of 100.
With glow-in-the-dark lettering.
Cinematography for Fritz Lang’s Metropolis (1927) was inspired by Paul Citroen’s 1923 Metropolis photomontage (above).
And so was Boris Bilinsky’s poster for the film (below).
Commercial artists took some liberties with how they created visual promotion for Metropolis – redrawing or recreating the ‘maschinenmensch’ (machine-man) and the modernist cityscapes. [Read more →]