Photo by Tommy Chase Lucas
It’s a new year. Let’s move on.
Grimes is Claire Boucher and her new album drops in the US February 21. Details.
Album design by Jasper Baydala with Boucher’s own illustrations. At bottom, Genesis.
2011 was one crazy year. Full of curve balls, knuckle sandwiches.
Thanks for your reads in 2011. Up next, more boldness. Looking forward.
Pictured is an image from an upcoming project I’ve been working on as of late – which with some luck and spit, should see the light of day in the next few months. Click to view larger. Powered, of course, by Gill Kayo.
‘the story of the rise and fall of Black Horse Disco, a youth club set up in the centre of a large working-class estate in North London’
Knuckle Sandwich. Cover photographed by Red Saunders, a.k.a MC Redman. Powered by Gill Kayo. Details.
The Clash: What’s My Name
Found via The Pelican Blog
‘The Swiss firm boldly embraced the face’s strong character, making it the singular voice of the Schauspielhaus, a theatre in Zürich’
The work of Raffinerie – theatre branding using the oft-maligned Gill Kayo typeface.
Detailed article by Stephen Coles here.