entries Tagged as [design]

Design beyond decoration

Designers do more than just make things look pretty. Designers can play a role in the overall experience of a customer or audience. Often thru small design decisions.

These concepts are shown in this TED video (above) featuring Paul Bennett. And Bauer Bodoni. And a slightly tortured teddy bear.

Project list

View from my desk on a sunny day

Just for fun, this is my project list right now:

1. I’m designing a new font family.
2. I’m designing a website for a band.
3. I’m designing CD packaging for a musician.
4. I’m designing an experimental video game.
5. I’m designing brand materials for a web-based magazine.
6. I’m developing a proposal for an educational coloring book.
7. I’m collaborating with a fashion designer on a clothing line.
8. I’m working with a planning group on a design conference.
9. I’m teaching four typography courses and one graphic design history course.
10. I’m getting my masters in education.
11. I’m maintaining a blog and tweeting as need be.

Everything could come crashing down in a heartbeat. It did a couple years ago when a car almost hit me and I broke my drawing arm. But I’m loving everything I’m doing right now.

There will be surprises along the way.

What it’s really like to be a designer  . . . .

‘Check my framing. Apply Rule of Thirds  . . .’

Jeremy Davis takes it apart – before and after studies – as to what happens when one swallows the red pill and actually becomes a designer.

Visual politics

The Left and the Right in the US – as visualized by David McCandless and Stefanie Posavec. From the upcoming book, The Visual Miscellaneum.

Click on the image for larger view/jump. More stuff from David McCandless here. And check out Stefanie Posavec’s site here.

Thru Merican eyes

If you don’t see the humor, you’re far too busy playing the game.

‘The worst job ever’

Found via Dawn Pedersen; posted at Break

‘Make my website for free’

Here’s one more.

Same robots, but not really. Different robots because the voices are different.

I’m smart. I figured that out.

‘Graphic designer vs. client’

This one’s been bouncing around for a few weeks now. And one of the reasons this video resonates is – it’s sooo true. I’ve had similar conversations over the years (even just a couple months ago), but don’t remember this much swearing. At least not during the actual conversation.

And (below) here’s the sequel  . . .

And another  . . .

Found via Twitter.com/AngelaGlenn and Jonathan Weast

When I grow up  . . .

Spoof of Monster’s ‘When I Grow Up’ campaign

Found via Jonathan Weast

More Swiss design

‘A Smoke Break To Remember’

Congress Hall in Biel, Switzerland. Not Photoshop, it’s real. Responsible party: Sabina Lang and Daniel Baumann. Details here.

Click image for larger version/jump.

Found via Twitter.com/Typegirl

Design + art: Cut-Click does Text

UK-based Cut-Click Magazine is small, fun and edited by Caroline Twidle.

Number 13 is the ‘Text issue,’ download a free copy here.

Creative Commons License

the work at the mehallo blog. beta. is licensed under a creative commons attribution - noncommercial - no derivative works 3.0 united states license.  if reposting, credit must be given to steve mehallo - and if possible, please provide a link back to the mehallo blog. beta.

i include images for the purpose of critique, review, promotion and inspiration - and always make my best effort give credit/link back to the original source.  if i’ve screwed up, please fire me a note.

page layout based on the wordpress 'darkwater theme' by antbag, adapted and redesigned by mehallo.  valuable php assistance from bill mead.