logo design – the mehallo blog. beta. http://mehallo.com/blog design, design and more design. Fri, 03 Jan 2020 09:08:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.8.25 Clients know shit http://mehallo.com/blog/archives/32087 Fri, 03 May 2013 02:57:27 +0000 http://mehallo.com/blog/?p=32087 CLIENTS_01

As a side project, Irish graphic designers Mark Shanley and Paddy Treacy turned a bunch of client feedback (the bad kind) into a series of posters. They then put them up for sale and ended raising a bunch of money for charity.

Pictured, a few. More here.

Of course, the goal is always to work with clients that know shit. And are willing to go thru a creative process that leads to the best work imaginable. This usually involves understanding that good logos typically involve letterforms (I’ve heard poster #1 before).







JCPamerica http://mehallo.com/blog/archives/31198 http://mehallo.com/blog/archives/31198#comments Tue, 31 Jan 2012 08:11:17 +0000 http://mehallo.com/blog/?p=31198

“Every initiative we pursue,’ starting February 1, reads the press release, ‘will be guided by our core value to treat customers as we would like to be treated — fair and square.”

In just under a year, JCPenney rebrands again. Out is Helvetica, in is Gotham. Also in is a whole new approach to store organization and product pricing.

Brand New article here, press release here.

Changes start tomorrow. Bold design move, bold ad campaign.

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The Book of Phone http://mehallo.com/blog/archives/30790 Sat, 24 Dec 2011 07:41:57 +0000 http://mehallo.com/blog/?p=30790

Some light reading. Graphics designed by the Saul Bass studio.

Found via Spokane7

‘Saul Bass pitches the new Bell System logo’ http://mehallo.com/blog/archives/30756 Thu, 22 Dec 2011 14:55:54 +0000 http://mehallo.com/blog/?p=30756

‘This film was made by his company as a presentation to AT&T executives. It would have extended to be shown to the public, but a number of his ideas in the film were not ultimately adopted, like his phone booth designs, and men’s and women’s uniforms.’

Complete pitch by the master. It’s everything anyone ever wanted to know about how good logos and visual identity systems work. From 1969. Historical details here.

Found via Scott Stowell

Food in Jars http://mehallo.com/blog/archives/30417 Mon, 28 Nov 2011 06:44:25 +0000 http://mehallo.com/blog/?p=30417

I love canning stuff. And it’s getting to be the time of year to cram some stuff into bottles.

Pictured, logo design by Roger Estes for Marisa McClellan’s Food in Jars blog.

‘I survived the Rapture’ http://mehallo.com/blog/archives/27625 http://mehallo.com/blog/archives/27625#comments Sun, 22 May 2011 08:20:41 +0000 http://mehallo.com/blog/?p=27625

Love The Barry Gibb Talk Show.

New one aired tonite. Click to view/jump.

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Barack Obama, font savvy http://mehallo.com/blog/archives/26848 http://mehallo.com/blog/archives/26848#comments Wed, 06 Apr 2011 12:37:43 +0000 http://mehallo.com/blog/?p=26848

‘Can we add serifs to Gotham?’

One thing I like about Obama: He knows good design.

In 2008, his campaign lifted political propaganda out of the long ass slump it had been in. The fonts of choice were Eric Gill’s Perpetua and Tobias Frere-Jones’ Gotham.

And revealed this week: 2012 graphics featuring a custom slab serif version of Gotham.

So when The President calls wanting a font change, Hoefler & Frere-Jones were ready to oblige.

Found via Hoefler & Frere-Jones

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Old Penney, new logo http://mehallo.com/blog/archives/26055 Mon, 28 Feb 2011 12:12:52 +0000 http://mehallo.com/blog/?p=26055

JCPenney last ‘officially’ updated their logotype in 1971 – changing from a custom script (seen above) to Helvetica, set clean and neat (below).


And last night – in a series of Academy Awards spots – jcp unveiled its new moniker (at bottom). Red box (retained from originally, their ‘it’s all inside’ campaign), lowercase helvetica, still clean and neat.

‘The winning design was provided by Luke Langhus, a third-year graphic design student at the University of Cincinnati.’

I do like when a redesign keeps the flavor of the original – here’s the official press release. Although this update does beg a few questions:

Doesn’t this look a lot like what GAP abandoned last year? And is the connection to Target’s brand a bit too obvious? And is ‘crowd sourcing’ how they went about this?

‘Participants included the Company’s associates, several design agencies and two art schools – University of Cincinnati and Rhode Island School of Design – that collectively submitted over 200 designs for consideration.’

I hope on the labor front, logo development participants were not as crowdsourced as is becoming commonplace. And it is a risky move to go this route – some could say jcp is running with what GAP chose to reject.

Though in the end, good merch behind the logo will determine what happens next. ‘What’s inside’ is still more important than not.


1964 Penneys architectural drawing found via Vintage Seattle, click image to view larger, more/jump

Neolithic Coke http://mehallo.com/blog/archives/24502 http://mehallo.com/blog/archives/24502#comments Thu, 30 Dec 2010 10:14:47 +0000 http://mehallo.com/blog/?p=24502

3 – 5,000 year old vase, Coca-Cola logo. The work of Ai Weiwei.

Article here.

Found via Daily Serving

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Brand formula http://mehallo.com/blog/archives/24254 http://mehallo.com/blog/archives/24254#comments Thu, 30 Dec 2010 00:12:01 +0000 http://mehallo.com/blog/?p=24254
tabula rasa, 2004

The photographic work of Mladen Penev.

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Simplifying packaging http://mehallo.com/blog/archives/24359 http://mehallo.com/blog/archives/24359#comments Wed, 29 Dec 2010 17:02:30 +0000 http://mehallo.com/blog/?p=24359

‘about unnecessary items on the global brands’

Products screaming far too much for attention? Competition for shelf dominance taken to excess? Overdesigned labels that are trying too damn hard?

Antrepo breaks things down into simple. And then more simple.

More studies here.

Found via Laura Serra

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Famous food trademarks http://mehallo.com/blog/archives/24252 http://mehallo.com/blog/archives/24252#comments Wed, 29 Dec 2010 12:39:21 +0000 http://mehallo.com/blog/?p=24252

Neatorama takes a look at Morton Salt, Jolly Green Giant, Aunt Jemima, Heinz and more. Article here.

(with an update on Quaker, above, here)

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Penney’s logo history http://mehallo.com/blog/archives/24256 http://mehallo.com/blog/archives/24256#comments Mon, 27 Dec 2010 17:41:36 +0000 http://mehallo.com/blog/?p=24256

It all boils down to  . . .  Helvetica.

JCPenney started as The Golden Rule store – or so said the literature I read as a kid. Wiki says something else.

My mom worked for JCPenney for 22 years and they had a big anniversary in the 1970s. They had wooden rulers with ‘golden rule’ written on them as part of a anniversary suite of premiums. I remember lots of simple yellow (‘golden’) and black stuff, sort of a 70s take on Victorian style.

And I was fascinated with a logotype history chart that was part of a company history booklet. Above is an old photocopy.

Over the years, the company simply became known as Penney’s – logo treatments reflecting retail trends.

The possessive was dropped and the ‘JC’ was officially re-added in 1971 – the year its founder, James Cash Penney passed away.

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Old Penneys http://mehallo.com/blog/archives/24365 http://mehallo.com/blog/archives/24365#comments Mon, 27 Dec 2010 14:02:50 +0000 http://mehallo.com/blog/?p=24365

1963 logotype. Stonewood Shopping Center, Downey, CA.

Found via jrdub1

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Logo porn http://mehallo.com/blog/archives/15316 http://mehallo.com/blog/archives/15316#comments Wed, 14 Apr 2010 02:44:02 +0000 http://mehallo.com/blog/?p=15316

‘With over 1,000 examples in categories such as animals, circles, faces, or science, it’s fun to browse and serves as a curious retrospective of American entrepreneurism.’ -Fast Company

Eric Baker and Tyler Blik wrote one of the first logo books I ever owned. And their latest is the densely-packed American Trademarks: A Compendium.

Snag your copy here. Read the Fast Company review (with related links and a slideshow) here.

Found via Jamal Ahmad

http://mehallo.com/blog/archives/15316/feed 1
Sacramento, shhhh http://mehallo.com/blog/archives/14942 http://mehallo.com/blog/archives/14942#comments Mon, 05 Apr 2010 14:45:36 +0000 http://mehallo.com/blog/?p=14942
Logotype by mehallo

The secret to being in Sacramento, CA is knowing where the cool stuff is. And a lot of it is just under the radar. The right gallery on Second Saturday, the hole-in-the-wall that has the best burrito, what cool bands are in town.

Mark Bean started Secret Sacramento as a Facebook group. And it’s become wildly popular (over 3,000 followers as I write this) – and it’s spread to Twitter.

And launched recently, the Secret Sacramento website. The new site is kinda sparse – so if you’re local, login and post your own regional finds. Share your secrets.

where i fit in
In addition to designing the logo (above), I will be contributing content from time to time.

But shhhh, it’s all a secret.

http://mehallo.com/blog/archives/14942/feed 1
Normandie, Fresno http://mehallo.com/blog/archives/12776 Sat, 20 Feb 2010 16:00:12 +0000 http://mehallo.com/blog/?p=12776

A couple of weeks ago, I took a day off and drove to Fresno, CA to see Normandie. Nice small club, loud music.

Took photos. Click on them to jump/see larger versions.

Trajan: The movie font http://mehallo.com/blog/archives/12411 http://mehallo.com/blog/archives/12411#comments Thu, 11 Feb 2010 01:48:53 +0000 http://mehallo.com/blog/?p=12411

‘Try playing the Trajan drinking game’

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Vintage logotypes http://mehallo.com/blog/archives/12072 http://mehallo.com/blog/archives/12072#comments Sun, 07 Feb 2010 13:13:26 +0000 http://mehallo.com/blog/?p=12072

‘Collection of vintage logos from a mid-70’s edition of the book World of Logotypes’

Eric Carl’s Flickr set here.

Found via Oded Ezer

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New identity for Gent http://mehallo.com/blog/archives/971 Mon, 03 Aug 2009 22:23:48 +0000 http://mehallo.com/blog/?p=971

New logo system and identity for the city of Gent in Belgium. What do you think? Article, critique and discussion at Brand New.

The secret design history of 12 famous brands http://mehallo.com/blog/archives/732 Thu, 30 Jul 2009 23:23:02 +0000 http://mehallo.com/blog/?p=732

Detailed slideshow by Armin Vit and Bryony Gomez-Palacio at Fast Company.

The evolution of the Coke and Pepsi logos http://mehallo.com/blog/archives/33 Fri, 24 Jul 2009 21:33:45 +0000 http://mehallo.com/blog/?p=33
Found via Reserves on TwitPic

Plus, there’s some more Evolution of Logos charts at the Best Ad blog.

And, here’s a link to the ‘official’ Pespi rebrand strategy proposal [pdf]. The most involved snow job in the history of brand design. Worth downloading and  . . .  reading with awe!

What to expect from a graphic designer http://mehallo.com/blog/archives/476 Tue, 17 Mar 2009 23:12:37 +0000 http://mehallo.com/blog/?p=476 Good graphic designers are trained to do amazing things in the realm of communication. And many clients just see the surface: make me a logo, I like yellow, so you should use yellow.

This article really nails it:

How to (and not to) work with a designer by Daniel Will-Harris

(Nails it so well, I’ve posted it as a link as part of the Manifesto at my website)
